trick question, the hotel is infinite, so you can move guest 1 to room 2, guest 2 to room 3 and so on and have room 1 leftover for Sisyphus and his boulder, therefore he is indeed happy
Not entirely true.
There are conditions where an infinite hotel can “run out” of rooms. Veritasium has a great video on this. Here’s the link because there’s no earthly way a dumbass like me can explain it intelligibly with just words.
Sisyphus is happy. Instead of rolling that boring stone he can now go from room to room in the hotel and ask the guests to move on room.
Sisyphos is an educated man as he is son of Aiolos and king of Corinth. So long as he accepts that there is nothing more to life than his absurd struggle, then he can find happiness in it, says Camus. He may be the ideal absurd hero, as his punishment is representative of the human condition: Sisyphus must struggle perpetually and without hope of success.
I think he happy no matter where he ends up :)
…no matter where he ends up :)
Stuck in middle management
The answer lies within the chinese room, surely.
Hell yeah wouldn’t you be?
I was pondering this longer than i should