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Wonder when Amazon will realise having a smirk as a logo for an evil company is going to sound too cliché
Amazon should be smashed up and scattered into different companies like we did with AT&T a long time ago.
That said… the Amazon logo is incredible. It’s so simple and yet it tells so much. It’s the companies name so you have that recognition. It’s an arrow showcasing they have everything from A to Z and it creates a smile which enforces a positive view and implies you’ll be happier using Amazon. I love logos, slogans and marketing and Amazons has been amazing. Again though, Jeff Bezos is a modern day Vanderbilt and I don’t like Monopolies or complete vertical and horizontally integrated and owned companies.
It wasn’t att, it was ma bell. Att was one of the companies ma ball was broken into(often called baby bells)
Their little arrow is definitely a penis.
Google was cute in its larval stage.
but Bing is only 14…
You’re saying that like it would discourage him.
Yeah I suppose Leo has a villa in Italy.
Wait, us Italians have a lot of bad stereotypes but I didn’t know pedophilia was one of them lol
AoC seems to be 14, same with Germany, but what Hollywood star has a villa in Germany?
Holy crap I thought it was more restrictive. And I live here. Yeah that’s a bit too low.
Duckduckgo is 15. That’s slightly better i guess.
Blue checks are Elon simps.
nooo don’t turn 25 your so sexy aha
For me it seems google is going to shit too, still good for searching for programming stuff, but for everything else it’s fucking trash.
If I need to buy something I either search for reddit (if it’s not nuked) or lemmy discussions about it and for other stuff I go straight to either local mini amazon store (Alza) or an aggregator site for all businesses in the country
I still miss AltaVista…