I don’t care if this is satire. No bad word should ever be spoken or written about Bandit Heeler.
Bandit is too good of a dad! Every other dad take notes!
I’ll never live up to the dad that Bandit is
it’s not fair!
To the batmobile!
The show definitely pushes me to be better. I appreciate that. Wonderful show, overall.
I have legit and without irony thought “What would Bandit do?” I have also stolen several fantastic tricks from him such as “Its a good thing your tough.”
For once the dad isnt a source of money and boneheaded antics for the all powerful mommy figure.
My wife once commented to me with a snide smile
Wife: I know why like that bluey show so much.
Me: Oh?
W: it’s because you are just like the dad!
I’ve never been so proud. Still think about it sometimes.