They are literally the people who can enact change, the fuck do they need luck for?
Don’t be too hard on them… I’d be wishing for luck too, if I had problems and refused to solve them
It’s not that they refuse to do anything, they just refuse to do anything that would challenge the power of the capitalist class.
Change they to we.
Whether the goal is political action or direct action; Get organized.
Local organizations become regional, regional become national.
If “They” are not going to save us, “We” have to do it.
Organize, vote, act.
So called “communists” are also contributing massively to the problem. Though one could argue they’re really just capitalist too.
How are communists contributing to the problem?
China doesn’t contribute to the climate crisis or pollution etc? Hahahahahah
If the rest of the first world had the same per capita consumption of China, we wouldn’t be barrelling towards the point of no return in the way we are now. A large majority of pollution in China comes from manufacturing goods for the Global North.
Yes so “communist” China is a willing participant in the destruction of our planet. And seeks to benefit directly and operate in full compliance with the hyper consumerism that is getting us further and further into global disrepair. Got it. Glad we agree.
Hoping that the situation solves itself without having to make hard decisions or, Gott bewahre, sacrifices.
“We all know what to do, but we don’t know how to get re-elected once we have done it.”
Career politicians are a cancer.
Just like declining birth rates in the US.
“We need to have more babies! Our population is declining!”
Well we could subsidize child care.
“Fuck you! Oh whatever shall we do?!”
Well we could provide housing programs for people who want to have children.
“Fuck you! Oh we need to think of something.”
Oh, I know, we could subsidize fertility treatments for parents that want children but are having difficulties and can’t afford 10s of thousands of uncovered medical expenses at once!
“Fuck you! Oh, woe is me, there’s nothing anyone can do!”
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I actually agree for the sake of the Earth and humanity long term, if there is such a thing anymore.
I acknowledge though, that it will be very painful for humanity to adjust to downsizing, and in sociopolitical discourse, short medium term humanity is all most ever consider relevant. But yes, I agree with the long game position that humanity should strive to shrink and find equilibrium with our world.
It’s sad to me that we live in a system where growth is the only goal. If the economy only grows by one percent its a crisis. Like what the fuck. I think you don’t have to be a genius to see that infinite growth with finite resources is somehow impossible.
Infinite growth is the ideology of a cancer cell
No no no, don’t you see? The growth MUST continue… Or else
Left out “we could just let more people move here”
But then
our society wouldn’t be white dominated anymore!our culture! Oh our culture! Demographics! Crime! Ahhhh! Be afraid!
Punishing corporations for their misbehavior is too much work
Especially when they barely pay your bills
Right? There’s nothing you defend, these major corporations and billionaires are literally ruining everything and offering no benefit. Most of the best stuff that happens is from publicly funded research or volunteer work.
Is that Angela Merkel in the middle? If so this must be at least an old photo. She is not the German chancellor anymore. Not that that would make things any better…
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Just wanted to make sure. Not sure if any US representatives are in this picture though. But it kinda looks a bit like Merkel and Martin Schulz (2nd from the right, also a German politician and at the time probably President of the European Parliament - this guy looks like him) are on the lookout to see if our friends from America (on maps to the left/west from europe) would like to flip a coin as well.
That’s Charles Michel, President of the European council. I admit they look a bit similar on this photo, but Martin Schulz was President of EU parliament until 2017.
Ahh, yes. Thanks for clearing that up.
When was this? Merkel and her party luckily aren’t in the government anymore.
October 2021. Not wishing for “good luck fighting the climate emergency.”
Thanks for the fact-check. I hate that we’ve gotten to ragebait on Lemmy as well.
Boris Johnson was already 2 prime ministers ago.
The rate they burn through them, that could have been last week.
Boris looks confused at the idea of throwing money at anything other than his mates.
I’m surprised there isn’t a follow up photo of him falling into the fountain somehow.
They did NOT toss coins for “good luck fighting the climate emergency.” Maybe some did, who knows. It was not a collective wish for something, just a stage for a nice group photo.
From the Yahoo article: “Of course the wishes can’t be revealed to anyone if they are to become true - so who knows what British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel wished for.”
“I wish I didn’t have to let the peasants elect me. I wish I could just have power so I could enrich myself! I wish I didn’t have to stand here for this damn photo!”
We know what they wished for whether they tell us or not lol
Due to reports of misinformation from users I’ll post this comment here.
No. They were not actually tossing coins backwards for good luck fighting climate change. No one knows exactly what the people in this picture were actually wishing good luck for.
I don’t want to come down too hard on people but one of my jobs as moderator is to prevent the spread of misinformation.
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Good mod
As long as they’re having fun.
Not like they’d do anything about the many global crises anyway, that would involve inconveniencing the owners.
well toss a coin for good luck while we let corporations rape the planet
Would like to know how many fetch back their coin afterwards…
You think these fuckers used one of their own coins? They were just props that was handed to them. They probably haven’t touched an actual coin themselves in years.
This is literally worthy of nottheonion material lol. 🤣
Look at the average age of the people in that picture. You think they care for climate change? They know they’ll be dead soon enough.
I despise Modi but there’s not one single Indian who doesn’t care about climate change. It’s at least one thing literally all politicians and people of all classes get behind here.
The money from the fountain gets collected and sent to Caritas, a catholic charity that focuses on health, disaster relief, poverty, and migration. I am a Queer atheist person in Spain that uses their services and they haven’t once made my queerness an issue. Nor have they exposed me to their religious views.
So, shrug, I’m not gonna shit on them doing the tradition that many diplomatic events in Rome do.
Objectively, it sounds like it’s an innocent tradition and a healthy charity.
Subjectively, it’s tone-deaf af, when the rule-makers perform superstition for such a massive world-changing problem. Basically “thoughts and prayers.”
I can guarantee you that nobody did this with the idea it’d help fight climate change
Can’t hurt or tell the rich what to do for the 99% /s
Words fail.