text from post:
Favourite summary of the current situation, from the Guardian and @firstdogonthemoon : https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/
Those little doodles are so amusing!
What does the timeline look like on Threads?
This looks like it’s cropped from something. Anyone have the original?
Nevermind. I’m an idiot. OP linked the original
No worries! Here is the full picture from the article anyway for anyone interested
Bluesky, the app with a hate speech dial that banned someone for community guideline violations for saying “shut up cracker” has no nazis?
Methinks the comic is coming from inside the house.
“Cracker” is an actual insult in the American southeast. I know to a Californian or a Brit it must like calling somebody a poltroon or some other absurdly out of date insult.
It’s originally a term of abuse used by rich whites against poor whites in the south. Since been adopted predominantly by black users (and in my experience rich southern whites use “redneck” or “country” where they might have used “cracker” before.
No it isn’t. Nobody but brainwashed CHUDS care about the phrase.
Lol you can tell someone’s off the deep end when they say shit like Twitter is full of nazis
OK, so what?
So, there’s Nazis actively gathering on the site.
Lmao something you still have yet to produce a shred of evidence for
I think it’s pretty well accepted at this point.
Among idiots jerking themselves off, sure. Not by anyone worth the oxygen they use.
Nazi has essentially been redefined to extra racist, while the nazis were racist it is an absurd oversimplification.