Yeah, and the last time I took the chance of buying an editor’s pick it ended up being useless trash. Now they want me to trust an AI? Fuck outta here Amazon. I stopped buying your cheap Chinese crap.
The product listings are already hot garbage with 90% inaccurate information and currently the product reviews are often the only place where you can actually get accurate information about the product (mostly because the paid reviewers put an accurate product description in their reviews).
And now they also want to take that away. What’s the point of enshitifying an online store page?
I want the actual reviews so I have at least some chance of figuring out if the reviewer is a bot, a shill, a customer, or is reviewing the UPS guy instead of the product.
Have they ever heard the saying, “garbage in, garbage out”?
I wonder what it will say about the Hutzler 571.
I thought they already do this? Compile user reviews and highlight recurring things?
Hopefully this doesn’t replace user reviews though.