localStorage is a thing, don’t need cookies for browser state
Sure it is a thing but JavaScript on that domain can access it either injected or provided by the site. This is quite risky. Cookies can be http only so that client code cant access it.
How is storing
hideCookieBanner: false
on local storage risky?What would the benefit of storing that in local storage?
Remembering that the user asked to not see that banner again.
At least for GDPR, if you are not storing users’ data, you don’t have to put a banner.
And even if you’re storing relevant user data, you don’t have to put a banner.
You only need a banner if you’re storing data you don’t need, for tracking or other secondary purposes.
But companies actively want the end users to misunderstand and blame the law for making the internet so bad with the banners.
Remember, companies only care about their pockets, not the people.