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Y’all are super judgy about this submarine thingy looking for the titanic considering mast of you will ride a Ferris Wheel that a meth-head with three teeth set up in a grocery store parking lot in a half hour.
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Good human. Thank you.
Nice and funny expected a bot to preform the task. Didn’t expect a human.
Widen your expectations, fellow human
Good user.
I guarantee the three-toothed meth-head knows more about assembling and running a carnival ride than submarine dude knows about his best buy remote control.
Plus, one of them is still alive.
We don’t know that your second point is true.
The meth dude didn’t design and fabricate the ferris wheel though, just set it up?
Yes and he’s done it twice a week every week for a long time.
The Ferris wheel doesn’t go 2.5 miles deep underwater though. And you can sit there and watch successful trips on the Ferris wheel before you decide to risk it.
I didn’t pay six figures for a carnival ticket.
Three-toothed meth head is still alive too
Learn to weld and start looking at the welds on those things. You wont be riding them for long.
The Ferris wheel has a survival chance of >0 though.
The Ferris wheel isn’t made of cardboard and has a weight limit of 30lbs
Hey now, that’s corrugated cardboard, not just any cardboard!