Sweet. Time to enable this right away. Been using privacy pass for a while now, and quite like it. Same can be said for kagi
Sweet. Time to enable this right away. Been using privacy pass for a while now, and quite like it. Same can be said for kagi
Funny, I find the BBC unable to accurately convey the news
They’ve been censorious for over a decade. It’s just the old target was “acceptable” to most denizens of reddit and similar social media. Now that the censors are expanding their reach, we see umbrage? Come on now. This was inevitable
What do you think the closed beta was for? It was so they can get in and get on the moderator roster
Very large part of why I moved away to kagi. It just works.
Additionally, it’s system of weighting, instead of just a binary block, is very useful. Take fandom wikis for example. They’re awful, yes, but sometimes they’re the only result for a topic, and will do if needed. With a binary block list, you either see them or you don’t. With the weighted system, you can downrank them, so if better results show up, they appear higher in the listing than the downranked ones
Can I download their model and run it on my own hardware? No? Then they’re inferior to deepseek
I wish more people would hold Sam Altman’s feet to the fire, hold him to some semblance of accountability. Because the man has made an entire career of failing upwards, from launching a short lived startup that imploded, to suddenly becoming president of ycombinator, to suddenly being worth billions of dollars, and literally paying people in the third world (with monopoly money, of course) for their eyeballs
Oh and there’s the whole thing where he might have molested his kid sister, which is always seemingly glossed over
Even Ed Zitron, who isn’t afraid to go after someone (see his articles about the guy who destroyed Google search) seems to handle Sam with kid gloves
But now who will donate pretend coats for the virtually needy?!
Make me
You should stop calling yourself an engineer unless you drive a train
You’re a moron if you use this.
We seriously need a way to sandbox apps, where they cant see shit outside their sandbox
But certainly not coincidental
That and mysteriously disappearing thumb drives
These smart watches are garbage. Even Apple watches have rather short lifetimes
My Garmin is going strong 5 years later, and I’ve got no incentive to upgrade
It’s Stanford. Protests are to be had against middle America, not those who actually hold power, else you might not get the network effects the school all but promises
Honeycomb was a tablet only ui. Google ditched the more effective ux in a fit of unification, that I believe is significantly responsible for killing Android tablets
Time is a flat circle. I remember when honeycomb launched with a bottom navbar, only for Google to delete it later in favor of a (terrible) phone like gui
Let’s not forget when they shipped a full page ad for a Disney movie into a browser update
And these days, privacy is basically the only appeal of Firefox. It’s slower than chrome or webkit based browsers, hangs out with Safari in terms of standards support, and can’t hold a candle to either other browser when it comes to battery life. Why mozilla seems determined to throw that all away is beyond me
I almost wish Elon would buy it, so he can “manage” it like he did Twitter