I managed to stave off the threats until a couple of months ago since someone put a reddit request in. Oh well, fuck spez and reddit.
not called Brad but rather a lad, from Bradford in the UK.
Enjoys breaking apps, escooters, spam rings and sometimes bones, but not my own. That sucks.
I managed to stave off the threats until a couple of months ago since someone put a reddit request in. Oh well, fuck spez and reddit.
I don’t need to do nothing because as I said, there’s no copyrightable content hosted here.
Now go over to /r/piracy on reddit and ask them why they’re not taken down. We’ll be waiting.
You do understand that hosting copyrighted works, and linking to them are two entirely different things?
It’s really not surprising since everyone is far too eager to connect their shiny “Smart TV’s” to the internet.
Thankfully I kinda watch over a family members network, and had to firstly block the MAC address of its wifi and then the eth port too since they were so eager to watch some YTPoops on it.
Dunno if making them use their Chromecast’s for their YTP addiction any better but at least one less OEM/Corp was took out of the equation :/
inb4 Macron renames the English Channel to something other than what it, is…
Aye. I’ve still got my Nexus One somewhere and while it feels dinky and have svelte enough pinkys to use it, it does feel like a EDC kinda thing that does phone calls + mp3 + browser.
But I also like the “plablet” era since what’s the point of straining our eyes and trying to poke at the smallest advert “X” box on a likkle phablet?
Cargo pants + wifi + VPN at work I likey and saves me a few quid each month too.
Crazy to think in a couple of years RCS will be two decades old in the making
I remember getting all excited when googs tried to take it by the reins in 2016ish but the amount of people that still…
1 - simply hate it and only use SMS still (and turn off mobile data too like neanderthrals)
2 - hate it because RCS sometimes just does not work because they got a backlog of “texts” suddenly coming through, and turn it off
3 - use a third party app for messaging instead and have done with it
I really don’t see how it’s gonna compete with Apple being, Apple too :/
I have no idea where it got Andraiod daydreams from but thought I’d make you a nice personal AI wallpaper 😇
On a serious note though before peeps rip me a new one for even suggesting AI images?
Muzei is still pretty cool to this day, Xiaomi theme thingy has some probably knocked off images that I’m currently using, and even just searching for something when I’m that bored enough to actually change my wallpaper.
deleted by creator
I was just fucking around generating images with Gemini right now, and this reminded me of what you probably need in regards to a mod 🙈
The hell is the problem with generating these things to some peeps? Stealing from, artists?
At least I plan to set it up on my server to try it out - as soon as I’m having some time to breath…
The install script is wonderbar and I installed it here at work, from my phone 🙈
I know I know, I really shouldn’t go curl’ing > random bash scripts from the internet but it is some damn fine script if you read through it
I look forward to playing with it when I get home, and thanks for the heads up!
I started with a small APC UPS which most protect drives/devices from anything from a brownout to full power cut for you to power down those devices.
I protect my NAS / router / modem which the former has a USB port that can connect to the UPS via a data port and allows it to monitor the battery level and, if it sees it getting to a X
low power level emails me and then shuts it down gracefully. Awesome thingys and there’s other ways of monitoring them
Have fun emptying your wallet ;)
Would you have any recommendations on hardware?
No matter what external storage you buy be it an external drive / NAS / SAN / whatever, make sure you buy a UPS firstly. I dunno about where you live, but here the amount of “brownouts” through the night damages electronic gear irrevocably and I learnt my lesson.
Best investment(s) ever.
Ministers are also looking at tiering the licence fee so that lower-income households don’t pay the same rate as more affluent users.
Another option was to leave the licence fee largely as it is, with a few tweaks, but with better enforcement, a person familiar with the internal deliberations said.
These greedy people, honest to god.
How about a tweak of letting home owners re-transmitting the DVB signal locally since they have such a good home internet connections these days, saving on the required transmitting POWAR of the BBC funded ones such as Emley Moor etc? I’d love to see the power usage of that thing.
Too radical, oh well…
Nope, like I said some in general just dump their questions and leave hence there been a separate place for support questions.
I don’t use any, so I’m curious what the community thinks
yeah I suppose that’s the crux of the issue. Some want “more numbers” to view their post whilst not really engaging the !askandroid (or !android) community otherwise :/
edit: clarity
Well yeah, but like I also said over on Matrix this post of yours should really include the prior ROM’s you’ve used/problems you encountered to spark more discussion?
It’s a bit of a cul-de-sac of a post to be honest.
I don’t think much has even been removed here but there is also something else that occurred to me.
Direct image links. Users just dumping a screenshot of their “problem” and then just scooting off with not much context and why we asked them over on r/Android for them to at least contain that image in a .self post, and then describe what they’ve already done to try and resolve their issue etc.
Like I said over on Matrix, this is the bit that would bother me
I think the one thing to take into account is if !android did grow to silly levels (I joined r/Android when it was at ~1000 users) when you have 2 million users you do need a degree of a separation
Help vampires while I like to try and help, there’s too many of you 🙈
Over half of us in r/Android left and while a few of headed over here and made our very own instance, some stopped on and, I paraphrase
Brave fucker that mod.