Grok does not grok Grok.
Grok does not grok Grok.
I don’t own any Linux Tshirts and I barely upvote anything at all.
Not having global karma counts, and keeping it constrained to just a given post or comment is a feature, not a bug… we should hopefully know by now that karmawhoring reinforces and lobotomizes the hivemind.
Now we need Cardi B Linux alongside Hannah Montana Linux.
I mean… probably yes, but in the case of much of the Torah, the mythical characters and stories first appear textually in Sumerian cuneiform.
The Sumerian culture and written language (cuneiform) was located basically in modern Iraq, near the Tigris and Euphrates. The written language and stories can be dated to about 3000 BC, the actual culture itself, even further.
Then you can trace the evolution of the mythic/legendary characters and stories into the Ugartitic texts, located in Ugarit, modern day Syria, dated to about 1200 BC, with the Ugaritic written language itself being an evolution of Sumerian cuneiform.
The Torah itself, in early Hebrew, wasn’t actually written and compiled as such untill roughly 400 BC, despite the tradtitional insistance it is many hundreds of of years older, and is largely based off of the Ugaritic texts.
If you look at the actual archaelogical and linguistic history of peoples, languages, texts and stories, its quite clear that the ultimate origin of many of the characters and stories in the Torah is Sumeria. Those stories then migrated and mutated as they spread from Sumeria to Canaan, where the Hebrews and Israel/Judah later arose.
I’d say a ‘reality check’ is not always negative.
Say you’re very, very self conscious in public, always nervous about how others percieve you.
But then, one day, a friend pulls you aside and ‘reality checks’ you with:
“Look, in 90% of situations you’ll ever be in, if you can follow a few basic dress and behavioral rules, you’ll be fine. Barring situations where the whole idea is you making a good first impression… most people, most of the time, in most situations… really don’t care that much.”
Things like that are arguably ‘positive’ reality checks.
The reason why ‘reality check’ is often connotated negatively is because most of the time, cognitive dissonance develops as a way of excusing or justifying harmful or irresponsible behavior or inaction, all things that mean you are living in a mild to serious delusion which can no longer be maintained, and will require a lot more effort to grapple with.
But it can be the case that reality is in someway better than it is perceived by someone who is overly critical or peasimistic in some way.
In some sense, the initial realization that you’ve been incorrect about something is negative in that you may be embarassed about being wrong in the past, but if it actually means a more realistic outlook going forward, which is actually less troublesome, easier to exist with/in, then I’d say thats overall a ‘positive’ reality check.
Another hypocritical dichotomy is:
Central planning does not and cannot work as efficiently as the free market!
Meanwhile, Amazon and Walmart are literally centrally planned economic production/purchase/distribution systems for nearly every kind of good imaginable, which both benefit massively from government subsidies, but they don’t count because… they’re corporations, and they don’t have perfect monopolies.
… Even though in almost every example given of a ‘centrally planned economy’, the state also did not have a perfect monopoly.
translation party!
Throw Japanese into English into Japanese into English ad nauseum, untill an ‘equilibrium’ statement is reached.
… Which was quite often nowhere near the original statement, in either language… but at least the translation algorithm agreed with itself.
A lot of the repurposed stories in the Torah do not have prehistoric origins, as that would mean they have no written predecessor, they have origins that are historic, documented in writings that have been dated by archaelogists and ancient linguistic specialists.
The story of Noachian Flood, and many other elements of stories in Genesis, have been directly connected to much older Sumerian/Akkadian mythology, which predates the Canaanite/Hebrew/Israeli mythology.
Noah’s flood is a rewritten version of the Gilgamesh flood myth, with Utnapishtim as the sole survivor of a massive flood, who builds a giant wooden ark, puts his family and a bunch of animals on it, sends out birds to check if the flood is over, then goes on to restart civilization after the boat comes to rest on top of a mountain.
Emil lost his mind.
Bethseda keeps fucking up and retconning the lore of Fallout worse and worse and worse.
Nothing after New Vegas is canon to me.
This is exactly, exactly the same thing as the guy at the bar or restaurant who thinks all the waitresses and servers are actually hitting on him, for real bro.
Because the way to improve skills, athleticism, ability to play an instrument, basically anything…
Is practice.
Sure, some people are naturally better or worse at certain things than others.
Not everyone will turn out equally better given the same amount and style of training.
But all of the initial different starting aptitudes at a certain skill vanish into meaninglessness against a person who consistently trains and practices, that person will be considerably more talented than any ‘natural’, 99% of the time.
Also… some people, most people do things because they enjoy doing them.
Not because they need or want to be better than others.
If your goal is to have fun, develop a skill, stay in shape, have fun… you’re always winning, even if you aren’t literally the best.
… And if you do try to always be the literal best… there’s almost always someone better if you keeo advancing into higher skilled competition levels and even if you are truly the best… you won’t be forever. You’ll get an injury, make a mistake, or just get old.
Yahweh evolved out of existing Canaanite polytheism.
El was the highest god of this pantheon, Ashera was his wife/consort and chief goddess, Ba’al was their child, god of storms and fertility, amongst others gods like Anat and Astarte.
The first five books of the Old Testament, the Torah, mostly switches between referring to ‘God’ as El, and ‘The Lord’, Adonai, Elohim, which is actually plural and means ‘The Gods’, and YHWH.
Adonai was originally a title given to Ba’al.
Yahwism basically started as a cult, in Canaan, that amalgomated Ba’al and El together into a single God, originally referenced Ashera but then wrote her out of the religion, and then just smashed many of the stories about or involving El and Ba’al together, causing the incongruous naming scheme and duplicatative, often directly adjacent, stories in the hebrew Torah, which are largely the same general plot, but have inconsistent details.
This is why Yahweh is jealous and demands destruction of idols to his predecessors in Canaan, and seems to acknowledge that other gods do actually exist, but he is the best and most powerful.
This is why you get Exodus 6:3
Where God basically retcons his name. You see I used to go by El, but now my name is Yahweh!
Its integral to establishing the mythic history that Yahweh and his flock are actually not from Canaan, they’re escapees from Egypt, and Yahweh promised them Canaan…
While in reality, the Exodus story is completely impossible as described (would have been something like 2-3 million people leaving Egypt, at a point in history where that was the total population of lower Egypt), there is 0 archaeological evidence for anything like that ever occuring… but having a unifying myth is useful for justifying conquering some of your small neighboring Canaanites, even if the stories about thag are also largely mythic and exagerated.
Something somewhat analagous seems to have happened something like 600-700 years earlier in Egypt, when Akhenaten decided that actually, Aten was the best and only important god, that the others had died or grown weak.
This attempt at either monotheism or monolatrism didn’t work out so well, it was so unpopular that shortly after Akhenaten’s death, polytheism was reinstated, Akhenaten’s name was removed from official historical records, his monuments were destroyed, and the dynasty that came after him reffered to him as ‘the enemy’ or ‘the criminal’.
QAnon ain’t going away, its an integral part of a fascist cult which is currently couping / causing a constitutional crisis.
QAnon is the rough equivalent of the Thule Society and the subsequent mystical/pagan/occult beliefs that many of the SS higher ups believed in.
QAnon is basically a synthesis, or syncretic combination of a whole bunch of interlocking conspiracy theories, that functionally constitute a religion, that played a crucial role in getting the Trump cult going.
Which is not unlike how the Thule Society came up with a synthesis or syncretism of existing fringe crackpot theories and norse mythology and race ‘science’, and laid the ideological/religious/worldview foundations for the Nazi party, with its beliefs continuing to evolve and inform, to varying degrees, a whole lot of the key members of the Nazi party and official policy.
Himmler, the head of the SS, had his own goddamned castle that he and other more devoted occultist Nazis would literally gather in for arcane rituals.
QAnon version of this is insane QAnon livestreaming prophets that talk to God and predict Trump will win and is in fact literally annointed by God, and then we he doesn’t well actually thats because demons and also he is the real President.
Those people are largely all still going strong, by the way, they all just migrated to alternative platforms… but they have huge numbers of regular viewers.
From your other reply, it seems to me that you’re likely a sociopath, which basically means you are by default a narcissist, as you only see the world in how it relates to you, as opposed to how others relate to you, and others to others.
You genuinely seem to have no ability to reflexively empathize with others, neither in a real time interaction, nor afterward.
You are your only emotional frame of reference, which means all of socializing basically is just a game you play to achieve some goal or goals… which is the same thing as saying, you do not comprehend how socializing could be anything other than a game of manipulating people, which other people are just worse at than you.
Apparently with the DSM V, sociopathy and psychopathy have basically been redefined, together, into ASPD.
So… yeah.
Please see a therapist.
That’s called being a sociopath, more recently, Anti Social Personality Disorder.
Your sense of morality revolves only around whatever has a beneficial or detrimental effect on yourself, you seem to genuienly have nearly no innate concept of how socializing works.
As far as I know, there’s no way you can … ‘fix’ sociopathy, just as with myself there’s no way I can ‘fix’ being autistic.
But… that doesn’t mean you can’t learn your own coping skills, learn the general rules of acceptable behavior, learn how a ‘normal’ or neurotypical mind generally works, and how that differs from how your own mind works.
I actually had a friend who was a diagnosed sociopath.
No innate ability to reflexively emphasize with others.
But he did the work.
He went to therapists and counselors, he learned to stop and ask people how his actions made them feel, he learned what generally is and is not socially acceptable, he learned how to be a more pleasant person to be around, how humble himself and own responsibility for his actions and the things he’d say to other people.
He didn’t want to harm people, and you may not either.
But he had to put in significantly more work than the average person to do so, and you likely will as well, if you do actually want to be able to have functional relationships with other people.
I know this will sound cynical…
…but a whole, whole lot of younger, brainrotted tiktok addicts with narcissistic personalities and negative attention spans will describe themselves as pan or bi when they aren’t at all, because they can use it as an idpol thing, an extra reason to legitimate their anger directed at anyone critical of them, a vapid empty signifier that has no real meaning beyond ‘people i think are funny or hot or popular say they are bi/pan/omni, so I am too!’
This person’s few posts are so insanely stereotypically the kinds of things a perfect, dark triad (narcissist, psycopath, machiavellian/manipulative) person would say, that 30 seconds into typing my other reply I did a ‘wait, is this a troll?’ double take.
Yes, inability to control your mood, constantly screaming at people, being pissed off and aggressive basically all the time, and being a rude asshole all the time is a major turn off.
I grew up in a family like this, dated a good number of people like this, then eventually figured out: Oh, I have CPTSD and low self esteem from being chronically abused by most of the people in my life, for most of my life, I don’t actually have to put up with their bullshit.
You sound extremely reminiscent of my abusive female ex-partners, full of rage, suspicious of and less friendly toward women (likely because you view them all as competition and/or incompetent), and most importantly, you’re a completely unnacountable and irresponsible narcissist hypocrite.
You do understand why people don’t react well to you being aggressive and pissy all the time.
My friend doesn’t talk to me as much and I really don’t get why because even when I’m “aggressive”, it’s tough love and I’m trying to help them.
This reveals that you do understand that your friend doesn’t like it when you are aggressive.
But you rationalize away your aggressiveness as the cause of your friend avoiding you with the intention underlying your action.
Your intention doesn’t matter.
What you actually do, how you actually do it is what matters.
If I perform a surgery with the intention of saving someone’s life, but I fuck up when I use a chainsaw instead of a scalpel to make the initial incision, my patient is now dead, and I am responsible, regardless of my intention.
No one has any obligation to deal with your anger issues other than you.
No one owes you their friendship or affection, de facto, just because you believe they do.
You should seek intensive therapy, probably look for a CBT specialist, at the very least, learn how to self reflect and apologize for doing things that make others flee from you…
…otherwise you’ll soon find that your anger issues do indeed affect you, by making you unable to have any healthy relationships with anyone, leaving all the people you care about no longer caring about you.
I have a reason for my actions, people just choose to ignore those reasons and misinterpret me.
People are not misintrepeting you, and you know it.
I also tend to type very dryly and with periods when I’m upset (which is admittedly ~90% of the time but I can’t control that).
You state that you are upset, ie, prone to a rude or aggressive interaction 90% of the time.
People are not misinterpreting your behavior.
Your behavior is abusive 90% of the time, and you just think that’s everyone else’s problem, not yours.
… Would you want to be friends with someone who is pissed off and abusive 90% of the time?
Honest, serious question:
Are you capable of actually imagining interactions with yourself from the other person’s point of view?
Can you do that, mentally transport yourself into someone else’s shoes, without immediately adding in all the rationalizations that you didn’t actually communicate, that only exist in your head?
Catfishing is the term for pretending to be someone you are not, usually online, via the use of fake or stolen pictures, identity details, life story, etc., usually for the reason of trying to lure someone else into a romantic relationship and scam them.
But … there are hints here what this person is doing kind of… escapes that, is even more concerning.
This person seems to simply revel in the idea of being someone they are not… just for that purpose.
Just for the enjoyment of, or preference toward being a comoletely different person, with no specific aim beyond that.
And we also see they are willing to lie about this when called out, and gaslight people about it.
So, we’ve got some kind of delusion/dysphoria going on.
‘Transracial’ is … not a real thing, in the way this person likely means it.
Disclaimer: Yes, race is an arbitrary, nebulous social construct… but people act as if it isn’t, we live in a society, blah blah blah.
What transracial actually means is basically involving or encompassing multiple different races.
A group or movement or dialogue that involves many races is transracial.
A person who is multiracial, ie, has a racially varied ancestry, could be said to be transracial.
What this person is probably using it to mean is that they think they are actually a completely different race than whatever society or their immediate family told them they are, or themselves at one point identified as.
Ie, a completely white person saying ‘actually, I’m black’ or a black person saying ‘actually, I’m Japanese’, when each of these example cases has no actual ancestry that would validate that.
So… more delusion/dysphoria going on.
Finally… they use the term ‘targeted individual’.
This term (or its acronym TI) is basically only used by paranoid schizophrenics who are completely convinced they have been chosen to be harassed by … some group of dedicated individuals with access to essentially supernatural technology that goes beyond science, as well as seemingly limitless resources and manpower.
They will use this terminology and basically conspiracy theory to explain the instrusive thoughts they have, voices they hear, nonsensical actions they undertake, things that disappear or appear that they can’t explain, etc.
Put all of this together and you have what seems to be a paranoid schizophrenic, who is manipulatve and possesive of other people whom they fantasize about, at least one of whom is a minor.
I am not a psychologist, I am not formally diagnosing this person, but this is extremely concerning behavior, and they should probably be evaluated by an actual professional.
This is way more concerning than just ‘that guy’s a creep’ or ‘that guy’s a loser’.