I moved to a house (my first) recently and we bought full size chocolate bars and beef jerky sticks to give out (in case someone doesn’t want chocolate).

Not a single child came. I didn’t see or hear anyone under 20 the entire night. We all stayed out on the porch for hours.

The only chocolate bar we gave out was to the pizza lady.

Does nobody trick-or-treat? We have kids in the neighborhood. I see them rising bikes during the day.

How was everyone else’s Halloween?

Edit: We got one! Long after trick or treating hours were over, a little cowboy knocked on our door. I gave him like 5 candy bars and 2 jerky sticks. He was very happy. His dad stopped in a car and he got out to knock on our door. I reckon it had to do with the fake neon LED “trick or treat” sign we hung on the porch.

  • Bilbo_Haggins@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Awww I’m sorry it sucks to be prepared and get no one. We’re in a big trick or treating neighborhood but on a side street and last year we only got like 5 visitors. This year we just took candy over to our neighbor on the more popular street and didn’t hand any out at our house. One street over from our house and the entire sidewalk and street was mobbed with under-10’s. I think it’s highly neighborhood- and street-dependent.

    Ask your neighbors where the good trick or treating spot is. It may be far away from you and people are just driving there instead of sticking around the neighborhood. Or it’s possible if you’re in a less walkable area that people might do more “trunk or treat” instead where they coordinate and go to a parking lot to do trick or treating.