As per title. None of my IRL friends would have a clue what to do with it, so I want it to go to someone who knows what they’re doing.
Not selling or trading so hopefully this is still within the rules. If this gets a lot of responses I’ll just choose someone at random.
Edit: this had a lot of responses and is now complete. In the interest of fairness I ran 1-67 (the number of responses) through an online RNG and sorted by new, the result was 18 - congratulations @TopRamenBinLaden
I don’t want it but I’ll upvote. Good on you internet stranger
And my axe
I would love an invite, myself. This is super cool of you to do. Thanks and good luck everyone.
I ran 1-67 (the number of responses) through an online RNG and sorted by new, the result was 18 - your reply number. It’s yours, my man. Send me a PM with your email address.
Wow, I never win anything. This is awesome. Thanks so much for your generosity.
Nice name hah, congratulations
Would really be interested. I’m really missing RARBG and was too late for open signups…
If your die roll chooses me, I promise to use it for good not evil.
I’ve actually been looking for a private tracker.
I’d love it if I get lucky. I promise to use it for evil, not good, but the good kind of evil.
Can I have an invite please?
I’ll put my hat in the ring.
I seed, I have a 1.5 ratio on IPT and I didn’t buy it. I do use the bonus points but I mean, c’mon, the’yre there!
Been looking to get off IPT though because of the owners sketchyness, so I’ve been recently looking for a new “home.”
i just went to TL like 2 years ago and created an accoutn never used, didnt knew is invite only now?
It regularly has opensignups
Can you invite me?
I’m in a position to seed quite well since my connection is uncapped, and I’d be happy to share some rarer finds of mine. Unfortunately the power grid where I live is unstable as shit so might not be the best choice. Up to you I suppose, OP.
I would absolutely be interested in this as well. When and Empornium shutdown I migrated over to Usenet, but I have really missed the wide availability of torrents since then.
count me in! i’ll Take the L
Been trying to get back into a private tracker for a brief little while, rolling for a chance
Interested too …
I would love an invite! I seed 24/7, just need a new home since bacon bits shut down.