No more awards and such, I guess. It will be terminated in September. I came across some screenshots of people attempting to get a refund, explaining that they had purchased so many Reddit coins that they couldn’t distribute them before the shutdown. Meanwhile, here I am, observing individuals who possess more wealth in Reddit coins (which hold no real-life value) than I have to buy food for a year. We truly live in a strange world. I don’t know why they decided to get rid of it, but it does seem odd, especially considering there are people who even “whale” within the Reddit community.
Go on I’ll bite….what now???
No more awards and such, I guess. It will be terminated in September. I came across some screenshots of people attempting to get a refund, explaining that they had purchased so many Reddit coins that they couldn’t distribute them before the shutdown. Meanwhile, here I am, observing individuals who possess more wealth in Reddit coins (which hold no real-life value) than I have to buy food for a year. We truly live in a strange world. I don’t know why they decided to get rid of it, but it does seem odd, especially considering there are people who even “whale” within the Reddit community.
Earning money for digital worthless stuff is not profitable
They’re removing free coins and awards to replace it with something new they’ll announce later.
New Currency will be called “Spez Coins” to honor the inventor of Reddit, our glorious leader that will lead us to the future!
They also deleted all chat logs prior to this year.