I think thematically over the trilogies, it’s laid on pretty thick that the Jedi beaurocracy of titles, ranks, and arbitrary rules was their downfall.
Qui-Gon was the last remnant of the Jedi as they were always supposed to be until Luke, nomads that communed with and furthered the will of the living force, who couldn’t care less about being deemed a Herp derp “master.” Such a title is literally kind of Sith like in its arrogance with the implication of mastery over the force rather than a humble facilitator of its will.
Kanan shows the other side of what the Jedi should be, as a sort of knight errant who just does whatever needs doing and shares their wisdom with whoever will listen.
I think thematically over the trilogies, it’s laid on pretty thick that the Jedi beaurocracy of titles, ranks, and arbitrary rules was their downfall.
Qui-Gon was the last remnant of the Jedi as they were always supposed to be until Luke, nomads that communed with and furthered the will of the living force, who couldn’t care less about being deemed a Herp derp “master.” Such a title is literally kind of Sith like in its arrogance with the implication of mastery over the force rather than a humble facilitator of its will.
Kanan shows the other side of what the Jedi should be, as a sort of knight errant who just does whatever needs doing and shares their wisdom with whoever will listen.
My empire for some real Jedi politics in mainline canon