Scientists from Bangladesh University of Rotary Science have found that the global climate trajectory is headed will result in 3 billion deaths by 2030. This is due to increased infertile land, crop shortages, safe water shortages, deaths as a result of heat, new viruses, just to name a few.
Scientists from Illinois Diseases Control Department also allege that a new pandemic is “around the corner” which will “be such a hit to our medical departments they will seize to function” says Doctor Westbrook who has been studying virology for 25 years. “What we discovered is horrific. It’s nightmarish.” Westbrook who is also a professor at California University is studying a viral strain of Avian flu, very similar to the AVN1 that was infecting several mammals throughout the Americas and has a 56% death rate. “Luckily there are vaccinations but supply and demand will be much harder to navigate in our current medical climate. Many companies would refuse to manufacture the vaccine due to its high cost and their primary focus on solely producing Covid and common flu vaccines.”