The Funkwhale music platform is alive and in active development, and they’re working on a feature to filter far-right artists off the network. Some Fediverse self-hosters are divided on letting a third party decide what should be allowed in their library.

    9 days ago

    Horrible idea. Let people share what they want and give the means for individuals to hide content they don’t want to see.

    We shouldn’t be deciding for other people what they are allowed to see.

    The next generation of internet users should really look into the Streisand Effect. You’re only going to drive more people away from your cause when you try to control what they get to say and what they’re allowed to see.

    I’m already abandoning the left as quickly as possible because I’m sick of yall’s censorship and propaganda tactics; this is just another one of them.

    For me it’s independent or bust. You can thank all the brow-beaters, tantrum-throwers, useful idiots, and mod-abusers for why I’m no longer loyal to their side. These kids need to grow up if they want more adults to take them seriously.