I do like large gatherings, but I don’t really do well meeting people and making friends in them. I find it too chaotic and difficult to “be myself” with so many people. I also feel there tends to be more shallow conversation in these settings making it great for banter and social energy but less great for connecting and getting to know new folks.

I am looking to meet new people to be friends, as in capital F friend, not just a random person I know. Someone who wants to hit me up and go do something fun, check in on me and see how I’m doing, etc.

How do you go about meeting people and finding social settings that foster deeper connections?

  • Kyoyeou (Ki jəʊ juː)@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I feel super “scared”(?) In places and moments where their are more then 7 to 8 person, I can’t tell why much. Even this year at Christmas in family, I took the charge of taking care and taking time with my very young nephews so that my brother and his wife could appreciate the moment and I was in a a bit safer place far away from the big group.

    Anyway, what I did is, make my own events, fuck it, I’ll do it myself in smaller commities. I invite friends in groups of 4 to 5 max, for board games events where sometimes there’s even prizes (Moondrop Quarks, I’m not that rich). Or I started my own DnD campaign, where I told my best friend “fuck it, I’ll start it, you bring some people” I would still say I am feeling a bit alone, although I’de say I have a decent quantity of friends, but I still feel horribly bad in bigger events, and I often leave early and feel bad because of that Hope it helped