I was about to just ask “What are some of your favorite music?” but then I realized some of you are gonna start naming those popular celebrity-singer songs which isn’t what I’m looking for. Because I find that songs that are part of other forms of media such as Movies and TV shows are really some of the highest of quality.
My Favorite ones (that I can remember, I’m sure there are good ones that I forgot about):
The Main Theme of The Expanse (TV) https://youtu.be/5Y4wuVfV5G4
The Main Theme of Interstellar (Movie) https://youtu.be/kpz8lpoLvrA
The Main Theme of Terminator 2 (Movie) https://youtu.be/1XblVVbqIHU
Baba Yetu - The Menu Theme of Sid Meier’s Civilization IV (Video Game) https://youtu.be/IJiHDmyhE1A
Sogno di Volare - The Menu Theme of Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (Video Game) https://youtu.be/WQYN2P3E06s
Main Theme of FTL: Faster than Light (Video Game) https://youtu.be/VJ817kvh_DM
Field of Hope and Dreams - Deltarune (Video Game) https://youtu.be/PhhGEA_317w
Megalovania - Undertale (Video Game) https://youtu.be/0FCvzsVlXpQ
The Opening Credits of Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) https://youtu.be/eZTasD9YzAo
The Main Theme of Game of Thrones (TV) https://youtu.be/s7L2PVdrb_8 (We don’t talk about season 8 here :(
The Main Theme of Sucession (TV) https://youtu.be/77PsqaWzwG0 (Honestly, I didn’t even finish the first season and kinda got bored, but the theme music was memorable for some reason)
That’s my list of the music I can remember from the top of my head, what’s on your list?
Disco Elysium, Twin Peaks, Cowboy Bebop, and Samurai Champloo come to mind.
I also really like anything Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross put out for film scores
The OST of Disco Elysium is so perfect and so essential to make up the atmosphere of Revachol, I honestly cannot imagine the game without hearing it’s soundscape.
Champloo is the gateway to Nujabes. It’s a beautiful world to get lost in.
Bebop is just really fucking good.
oh yeah for real, i went down the rabbit hole of nujabes and chillhop after discovering the anime
From anime:
- Kowareta Sekai (Rozen Maiden)
- Libera Me from Hell (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
- Kick Back (Chainsaw Man - the opening itself is also great)
- Lilium (Elfen Lied)
The opening of Cowboy Beebop: Tank.
See You Space Cowboy…
My small brain literally cannot comprehend how something so beautiful and genius can even exist. Pure perfection…
Oh and it blends super nice with this song, although it’s not next in the album playlist. I always hear those two together.
The opening song to Neon Genesis Evangelion. A Cruel Angel’s Thesis.
Im amazed no one has mentioned Blade Runner. The 80s movie Flash Gordon is gloriously cheesy and fun-bad, but the Queen soundtrack is a classic banger!
Keeping in that line, Tron had a great soundtrack by Wendy Carlos. She also did Switched On Bach.
Cynthia’s theme song from Pokemon. https://youtu.be/WDVd1F3ZI4w
The song that plays when you know you’re fucked. Especially in BW.
The opening to Zombie Land Saga Season 2, the first opening for Attack on Titan, the trailer song for GTA Online Heists, the Valentino combat music from Cynerpunk 2077, Jump up, Superstar and Honeylune Ridge Escape from Super Marjo Odyssey are just some of the songs I can think of right now
Merry Go Round of Life-Main theme of Howl’s Moving Castle (movie) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HMGetv40FkI
What Will You Leave Behind-Spiritfarer (video game) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HMGetv40FkI
I’ll Fly for You-Carnival Row (TV) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9OR2jQlOXkQ&pp=ygUYZmx5IGZvciB5b3UgY2Fybml2YWwgcm93
Vide Cor Meum-Hannibal (movie) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SP9IrCCMUUw&pp=ygUWdmlkZSBjb3IgbWV1bSBoYW5uaWJhbA%3D%3D
Most of the Phantom of the Opera OST from 2004
Sagashimono-Deemo (video game) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SKb5ftYgdWU
Yotake no Uta-Deemo (video game) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uSqQ8zCtDrA&pp=ygUSZGVlbW8geW9ha2Ugbm8gdXRh
LOTS of songs from Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory. A lot of the songs came flooding back as I tried to list them. I might exceed the character limit if I tried! So many beautiful songs ☺
Reminded me how much I liked Cristobal Tapia Da Veer’s soundtrack work on Utopia, Humans, and The Girl With All The Gifts. Looks like he’s done some more that I didn’t know about so I’ll have to check it out
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Probably the entire theme of The Eminence in Shadow, its great.
Fallout has a song named “I don’t want to set the world on fire” its great.
From games:
- Loop Hero OST is pretty amazing if you like that kind of music: https://piped.video/Vw6hcx8jUeY
- Crypt of the Necrodancer OST is also really good: https://piped.video/7Ks82gn2BqU
- Going back further (a lot further!) - I’ve always loved the music from ZANAC, especially the title theme: https://piped.video/fkmdItOQkKo . There are some pretty good remixes as well: https://piped.video/96aT-5h2P08 , https://piped.video/kQ1SNc3_VA8
All the openings and endings from Death Note and GTO (animes)
Rose of May from Final Fantasy 9 (video game)