It’s just a big Memento. You have to watch all three of them, simultaneously, in VR for it to make sense.
The crazy part is when it fades from black & white to color… and you don’t even notice.
Cillian Murphy’s character from Dunkirk makes it across the Atlantic with the name Oppenheimer and then creates the Atomic Bomb.
It’s the rare Trilogy that sucks. The Hobbit, and the last 2 pirates of the carribeans are also good examples.
I actually liked Tenet though.
You are one of the few people I’ve seen who were able to hear the dialog enough in Tenet to actually have an opinion
I watch tv with closed captioning. Except with comedies because it ruins the jokes.
Everything’s been happening within a dream
Sure it does.
Failure at the beginning of the war.
Time travel stuff to try and reverse the early days of the war. It is hard to pick up, but the references are there if you rewatch enough times…
Ah well, wibbly wobbly time travel stuff failed to stop the war. Let’s just make a Big Baada Boom to finish the whole mess.