So I’m in the process of (re-) setting up my homelab and unsure about how to handle databases. Many images require a database, which the docker-compose usually provides inside the stack.
Now my question, shall I have 1 database container which is accessed by all containers? Or shall I have a separate container for each service?
For critical services, which shall have as few dependencies as possible I’m already using sqlite or a similar solution.
Also on a sidenote: I have two docker hosts, can I let the containers of 1 hypervisors use the same internal docker network?
1 db per stack. Not worth your time to secure, configure and debug one big db.
I wondered about that myself these days and decided to give each stack its own db. Makes it easier to throw a stack into the bin without having to manually prune the associated databases. I might end up running a database container anyways for tests and side projects and things like that but service stacks get their own db of their choice.