I couldn’t figure out how to add a second photo with the app I’m using (Voyager) so I’ll post the after photo as a comment.
Here’s an after glow-up
Scooter is a big boy! 😸
He’s looking great and resting easy with a friend.
Scooter is so cute.
I am struggling w/photos a bit myself. The 100kb limit is hard to dial in, I just keep hammering down the size/image quality to try to get there. I try to post something daily or at least respond to a few threads.I haven’t had to deal with the size limit, when posting from the Voyager app it has imgur built in so I just add the photo and it posts to imgur and links it for me. There’s just no option to add another photo that I could see. That’s ok though, I’m just happy that all these devs are constantly updating and making things easier to use. I’ve been seeing your username around, always gives me a smile!
What’s a glow up?
It’s like growing up but also becoming more handsome/pretty. Lol. I also posted a comment with an image of him after he grew into his current handsome self.
He got so LONG! What a handsome chap.
Adorable! He has beetle juice eyes.