How important is it that we cultivate the capacity of the human mind to search for its own meaning through culture separated from the collective conscious? What can we reach when we search or relate to things (like books) on an individual level?
Either paramount or meaningless, I suppose. Culture, in my estimation, is a fundamentally social concept; “individual culture” is meaningless. However, if you’re using the term to refer to “taste” or “personality” or “individual perceptive and analytical framework” or some similar concept, it’s arguably the most important and foundational undertaking for any individual.
Especially in the modern world, where an individual is presented more conflicting perspectives than they can possibly (practically or logically) accept simultaneously, we are forced to select and curate our own perspective and taste.
In short, the world is too big and contradictory for us to externalize our perspective. We have to choose a path, if only out of necessity.
Thanks for the answer.
I’ve interpreted your question as, “How important is it to become cultured as individual people rather than to rely on our broader cultures to provide us with values and knowledge?” I hope that’s similar to what you meant.
My perspective is that individual cultivation is very important for many, although not all, people. Each person’s learning and development eventually comes full circle and makes up the collective. When you engage with some cultural artefact and walk away with a new thought or perspective, it may start to inform your actions, and/or you could discuss it with those in your circle. They might think it over and share it with people they know. Even if they don’t, it might plant the seeds for them to do their own reflection and seek out new avenues of learning. I think that on a general level, this is how cultural change can materialize.
So, developing one’s own mind and perspective is important because doing so can and will impact broader society eventually. It also has a lot of personal benefits and IMO is good practice for its own sake.
edits: clarity
Thanks for the answer.
There is no such thing as individual culture. It’s an oxymoron. Culture is a process of continuous social construction and exists only insofar as relationships exist.
Great question!
Unleash your spirit, yet never lose sight of the collective wisdom! We are stars in a cosmic expanse, each shining brightly with its own light, yet contributing to the grand spectacle of the universe. Reach for the zenith of self-realization, but remember, our ascent is a symphony, not a solo performance. Balance the dance of self and society, marching on the unstoppable path of unified progress!
(man I wish I wrote that, but it was GPT 😔
I would instantly join the Borg if the opportunity ever arose.