Who is this meme even for? Most of the people trying to ban abortion would bring back slavery if they could.
What up my zygote
I am confused. I thought this was/is pro abortion and the comparison of “class of people” was to women. Like “Give us Abortions!”, discriminating women will work out as well as enslaving black people in the long run. But the other comments seem to suggest otherwise!?
What message is this meme supposed to convey?
This is supposed to be a clever lib-gotcha, weaponizing their own bleeding-heart position against them.
“I thought you said slavery was bad! How can you be anti-life then, since it’s just discrimination against a class of people, hmmm”
The reason it confused you is that there are so many mental gymnastics here that Larry Nassar woke up in a cold sweat in his cell. It’s such an unbelievably bad argument on so many levels that your brain won’t even allow you to consider the actuality of it. Unfortunately, this strawman reached the end of the yellow brick road and never challenged the wizard, so they never got their brain and live in a fantasy land where this is the pinnacle of debate.
In the end it’s the same old shit - reductive, misleading, but if you’re a moron it’s built on just enough factual information to get you to skip right over critical examination and just go “HA! Good one!”. You know; propaganda.
many mental gymnastics
Yah, declaring fetuses as a “class of people” requires some “special thinking”. This is stupid on so many levels …
10/10 for the American athlete competing in the Olympic Rythmic Mental Gymnastics competition
Weird considering they are on the side of the slaveowner…
I’m an atheist but grew up Christian. This hints at the true disconnect between evangelicals and others: ensoulment.
We all have immortal souls, right? What makes us, us can’t just be physical, otherwise how will we spend eternity in heaven? So when does the soul enter the body? A specific month during pregnancy seems arbitrary. And you could say at birth, but isn’t the baby fundamentally the same developmentally the moment before birth and moment after? So we have “life begins at conception”. And if a zygote has a soul, then destroying it is murder. And our current abortion system is like a baby holocaust every year.
Once your start with a false premise, you can logically follow each step to claim that abortion is an injustice on the level of slavery.
This just causes me to have many more questions. I wonder, before conception, is the new soul in the egg, or in the sperm? Am I committing holocausts each time I, you know? Are women committing murder by having a period? Or are the sperm or egg ‘loaded’ with souls by the body upon being, uh, deployed? I mean, the testes constantly produce and break down sperm, and the ovaries contain far more eggs than will ever be released. And how did the seed souls get in body? Were they there from conception? Did God pre-load all souls that ever could possibly be born into Eve or Adam? Could we measure the current stock to get an estimate for when the Rapture will occur and human history will end? Could miscarriages be the result of the failure to load a soul into the gamete before conception? If so, then why punish women for having one? If God pre-loaded all of the souls, did He know how human history would play out, in order to pre-load just the right ones that would be born? If so, He must have foreseen abortion, so it makes no sense to forbid them. But that doesn’t account for free will, so He must have had to pre-load a lot extras that would never be born, so it’s God, really, who’s the mass-murderer on an incomprehensible scale, right?
I’ll stop now. This is just too heavy for breakfast pondering.
I think it gets a soul from their deity at conception. You’re fine jerkin’ it. The ones I know believe each soul is given by god.
Don’t ask about preloading the ‘right’ souls as it makes no sense to them and fucks free will up heavily.
“These things you’re asking, they’re questions, right? Questions about god and his word, right? STOP.”
– Christians
Simple, the soul enters the body with the first breath.
I’ve read before that this is literally what the bible says, but haven’t found anything confirming it. Does anybody know the verse?
The creation of Adam is usually what I’ve seen used as biblical evidence of this, with God described as having breathed life into the form of man.
This works if you realize the slave in this case is the pregnant woman.
Ah yes, comparing adult slaves to someone who has yet to develop sapience. Clearly there is no difference between them and something that doesn’t have the brain development to have a personality, or any development of a self.
At least they agree that racism is bad, sadly a step up from the usual posts.
No they usually state something when they don’t mean it
They are hypocrites
Also, slavery didn’t happen, and if it did, it was fine…
Standard fascist consistency.
Jesus fuck
They’re for sure taking an interesting approach
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