Problem: I scroll on lemmy, I talk to friends, I see some interesting page, project, funny meme or something else. (when I was on reddit i pressed SAVE, when I was on Instagram I pressed PIN (or something) and now I’m stuck with (uncategorised) information all over the place.
My current idea is: push everything to Telegram group where my bot listens, take the URL, maybe even extract some data and save it somewhere. 90% of my input will be over the phone but here and there also PC.
Any suggestions for self-hosted service to dump data in our (even better) to even skip whole bot part altogether?
UPDATE: Maybe I was a bit unclear. I want to “save” URLs and also somehow tag/categorize them. So I think plain bookmarks won’t cut it, also flow is important (on mobile), switching copy/paste is to much hassle.
use… bookmarks? And if it’s a concern that the pages you want to bookmark might disappear, you can use something like wallabag:
I use Joplin Firefox extension. One click and i can save page as a text/HTML/image/link into my Joplin notebook. You can sync with your own server, with NextCloud, with Joplin paid cloud and with something else. Great FOSS app.
Not selfhosted but I think Pocket also falls into that category of service.
@mwalker789 I used ArchiveBox for a while and I really liked it. –>
You want a “read it later” service, like Omnivore or Wallabag.
Another vote for Omnivore. It syncs great into Obsidian also.
What is your workflow if you find something on mobile and you want to save it to omnivore?
You share it to the Omnivore app. Couldn’t be easier.
It does neat things like unfolds Twitter threads also.
nice, i’ll check it out
There’s a Firefox extension called SingleFile that’s great for saving/archiving entire web pages.
@mwalker789 Are you looking to create a “to read later” list, or to save the content to disk? Pinning and saving is like the former but your ideas about a telegram bot suggest the latter.
If it is more on the archiving side, here is a short list to get you started