That’s literally how every programmer pronounced it before it became an Internet sensation. It had a marketing campaign to “sell” the format because that’s how new standards were created initially. They explicitly chose to name it after the peanut butter because it allowed them to give it a catchy phrase to sell it even better “choosy developers choose gif”.
I was devastated to learn the creators intended it to be pronounced “jif” like the peanut butter brand
Yeah, because it’s a jraphical interface format.
So do you say j-feg? Because the p stands for photographic
One of the common nonsensical arguments heard. What’s the next one?
One of the few times I don’t care what the creator says, he was wrong.
And yet your mind knows it’s not possible for him to be wrong since he named it.
Me too. I feel like no one pronounced it jif before they said that, and now we have to have an eternal debate over it
That’s literally how every programmer pronounced it before it became an Internet sensation. It had a marketing campaign to “sell” the format because that’s how new standards were created initially. They explicitly chose to name it after the peanut butter because it allowed them to give it a catchy phrase to sell it even better “choosy developers choose gif”.
You mean steal a catchy phrase lol.