I’m making a homeassistant sever with my raspberry pi and and i’m wondering since it’s going to be on 24/7 that the fans going to wear out much faster than intended. I can’t imagine that I would need a fan ontop of a heat sink and thermal paste it can’t get that hot? I should also note that i’m using an Argon V2 it’s one of those heat sink cases that are made for raspberry pis
I have had some pretty obnoxious recurring reboots on my Pi4 when I don’t add a heat sink and fan.
Most rpi heat sinks have a foam insulator acting as a sticky tape. Remove it and use thermal paste
I used to run a Raspberry Pi 4 in the same case for months at a time and didn’t have issues. I’d say you are fine
Why don’t you try a cpu stress test to meausure the cpu temperature with and without the fan ? I think you should try if you’re quite concerned about this.
Argon case comes with software which controls fan speed and turns it off for temperatures below +50°. My RasPi with HA never went above +45°, the fan inside never turned on. I’m using it for two years now.