I don’t think about Jamie Oliver
He exists. Honestly, that’s as far as my opinion on him goes.
Have you proved this yet or are you just taking everyone’s word for it
hes like chili jam on fried rice
John Oliver is the better Oliver
That’s like saying Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson is the best Rock. Of course he he’s, that was never a competition
He’s certainly better than Kid Rock, that’s for sure.
Oliver is a better Oliver than Jamie is.
John Oliver better know as “Who?”
He’s smug and preachy.
Pushing for healthier school lunches was fine, but his campaign to shame parents into making healthy food for their kids, without first considering poverty, available time, or other complicating factors is proof that he doesn’t care about people actually eating healthy, as much as he is about maintaining his “champion of healthy eating” façade.
I hate when people bring up the poverty angle, unless it’s more about people having to work more hours/multiple jobs and not having time to cook. Healthy whole foods are generally way cheaper than fast food or even junk food from the grocery store, at least in my experience
Not on a “per calorie” basis they aren’t. And I’m not really sure by what other metric you can compare them. But look at how many calories of broccoli $3 gets you compared to potato chips. Then you have to add in the time of preparation.
Additionally, many impoverished people tend to live in “food deserts”, areas without grocery stores, but many fast Food locations.
The deck is definitely stacked against the impoverished.
They most certainly are not. If you’re buying unhealthy food only as snacks, you mistake your subset as all unhealthy food.
If you need calories and are on a shoestring budget, your options are potatos, bad bread, Coles cakes etc. You can eat for a week on a few dollars but you’ll become overweight and eventually die of malnutrition. Your options become even more limited if you don’t have a working stove due to being cut off your gas.
I guess I was thinking snacks first and foremost but cheap carbs aren’t necessarily unhealthy. Protein sources are probably the most expensive and mixing in veggies is pricey on a calories/$ basis.
But rice, beans/legumes, and a lot of other basic staple foods are pretty cheap. Eggs are back under a dollar by me at least.
Not having the time/means to shop and prepare food makes sense, or if you’re in a food desert and don’t have much available conveniently.
Eggs are pushing $10/doz where I am 💀
You can absolutely put together a relatively healthy meal for reasonably cheap, I’m talking about “getting your gas cut-off” budgeting though.
He’s a celebrity first and a chef second, unlike the likes of Gordon Ramsay, who’s a chef first and a celebrity second.
He’s a bit worthy and his restaurants are a bit shit, but I’m sure his heart is in the right place.
You’re now wrong on Jamie Oliver, but I feel you think too highly of ramsay. He definitely is a celebrity first now as well, just one that happens to cook better than oliver
The difference is that Oliver was a sous-chef when he was first picked up for a TV show, whereas Ramsay had been head chef at multiple Michelin-starred restaurants before he got his TV shows.
Oliver’s restaurants have never been awarded any Michelin stars. Ramsay’s have been awarded 17.
One of these two is a real restaurateur and chef, one of these is more of a food-related lifestyle brand.
He’s the apple shagger that gave Scotland both the Irn Bru ruining sugar tax and got rid of our two for one pizza deals. So no, don’t really like him.
Who’s Jamie Oliver?
Hes a poncy, hypocritical cunt that looks down on 98% of society because he thinks hes better than everyone when hes nothing more than some bloviating blowhard that doesnt even live up to what he says others should do.
Not sure who that is, but I love the name Oliver. He must be named after my cat
He stole me turkey twizzlers, so he can fuck right off
For me he’s a great TV cook in terms of how much positive influence he had with my bubble and me. I don’t know if i would be so passionate about home cooking if it wasn’t for his work. That being said i wouldn’t be on a months-long waiting list to visit his restaurants (dunno if any still exist).
Hes a mediocre cook with a lot of luck. Don’t get mevwrong, hes not bad. But hes not great either.
A chill and jolly celebrity chef. A good protagonist if Ramsey was the antagonist.