Whether it is cooking, or setting timers, is anyone else able to very accurately predict timers.
E.g.cset the oven for 35 minutes, then walk into the kitchen with 1 min left on the timer?
My job requires a lot of running tests that take half an hour, 1 hour etc. I have been doing some other things, and wondered “the test has to be done now”. As I am taking my phone out of my pocket, my alarm goes.
And this is my work phone, not my fun phone! Work phone normally sits on my desk all day getting ignored!!
My partner has this but in the most annoying way possible. He’ll set a timer on our oven, then go sit down in the other room. At some point, inevitably, he will become convinced that he forgot to set the timer. After me failing to convince him this happens every time, he’ll get up to check. There will be 1 minute remaining on the timer.
Every. Damn. Time!
Don’t know if it counts but I hate my alarm so much that I sometimes wake up 1 minute before it triggers.
My mom’s dog always barks at precisely 5:00PM to ask for his meds that he needs to take an hour before he can eat.
He even does it when we drive to another time zone.
My grandpa used to brag that he could always tell you the time to within 3 minutes if you asked. Meanwhile my ADHD makes me utterly time blind
I can usually guess the time of day to within about fifteen minutes’ accuracy, even when it’s been hours since I last saw a clock.
I also have a peculiar ability to catch falling things. It’s VERY fast, and doesn’t seem to involve conscious thought. It just happens like a reflex.
Roland Deschain
We needed to be able to observe the passage of time before clocks… Even before we had names for units of time or time itself
Humans are just over evolved pattern recognition machines, it shouldn’t be surprising we still recognize some while on autopilot.
I do, but only sometimes. It’s very hit or miss.
I’m like bipolar about it. Sometimes I do, just like you mentioned; other times I forget and overshoot it a mile.