The Mexica existed long before the Spanish arrived. They migrated to the Valley of Mexico from a land in the north they referred to as Aztlán when the Toltecs went into decline.
Nuevo Mexico was named by the Spanish in reference to this history, as they were following the Rio Grande north searching for the Cities of Gold referenced in these same Mexica (ie Aztec) legends.
When you learn that Mexicans named New Mexico…
Darn immigrants ruining my good country!
Spaniards named New Mexico a couple centuries before Mexico existed.
The Mexica existed long before the Spanish arrived. They migrated to the Valley of Mexico from a land in the north they referred to as Aztlán when the Toltecs went into decline.
Nuevo Mexico was named by the Spanish in reference to this history, as they were following the Rio Grande north searching for the Cities of Gold referenced in these same Mexica (ie Aztec) legends.