Why YSK: These tips may help you pick a more ripe, juicier, sweeter watermelon.
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This was bullshit the first 2000 times it was posted to reddit and it’s still bullshit here.
I just roll my eyes at it now.
FYI there is no reliable way to tell if a watermelon is ripe after it is harvested. The most reliable indicator is the tendril on the node the peduncle is attached to. When it is fully dry, the fruit is ready.
Show us on the watermelon where the internet hurt you
Even on lemmy people still aren’t bothering to fact check things. Disappointing.
Okay how can I tell which watermelon 🍉 is best for insertion ???
The markets where I buy are confident enough in their product that they cut the one you want to taste before you buy. I’ve never found a more reliable method than that.
sir this is a wal-mart
Sir, this is the Planet of the Grapes wine store.
Trick question! They’re all perfect for this 🥰
Tender to touch but not full of maggots
You see a female water melon has ovaries while the male melons have spikes
Nah, I’m just going to continue doing what I’ve always done: tapping the watermelon to hear the sound and pretend that I know what I’m doing.
I’ll just remember “pick the most fucked up looking melon with patchy orange spots and ugly crisscross webbing”. It’s probably not going to make the photo reel but it’ll taste good.
The ugly ones usually taste better, just check that the ugliness isn’t caused by molds
in general I find this to be true with most fruits, the uglier the better. Those pretty shiny apples are shit.
Ugliness is correlated with age, and ripeness is correlated with age, so ugliness and ripeness would at the very least be spuriously correlated.
The ones with worms are sweeter cause worms can choose better than humans.
Oddly, I can tell exactly how an apple will taste just by touching it. Shiny smooth apples are usually soft/mushy and have no taste. You want a rough texture with a little grip.
Where’s the part where you slap it?
That’s between you and the watermelon, leave me out of your racy play.
This is horse shit
None of these visual methods are reliable as these things differ greatly amongst melon varieties. The easiest way is just to knock on the watermelon like you would a door, if it sounds hollow on the inside, then it’s ripe.
I thought I was the only the weirdo that stands there spanking the watermelons, trying to find the one that sounds like a Voit dodgeball.
Knock they said, stop spanking fruits, or don’t, whatever makes you happy haha
This I know to be the only reliable method. Also after knocking if you squeeze it it should make a sound as something rigid starting to crack not as being rubbery/ elastic.
deleted by creator
In my family we just slap the watermelons
Good sound, good taste. - a Chinese proverb
Don’t be melon dramatic
Idk man you do you, but I prefer eating them
What did they do to your family?
That is non of our business do what you like
Finally now I know my melons gender, now I won’t get in trouble on twitter
Stop misgendering melons!
you won’t get in trouble on twitter anyways, now
the elongated muskrat has blessed us with “freedom of speech*”
*so long as that speech does not in any way offend Elon Musk personally
The fuck is a “male” plant ovary?
When I see nonsense like this, I then distrust the entire YSK.
Yaaa the whole gendered fruit thing I will never understand
I dont know about watermelons but there are a plethora of plants that can not produce fruit without being pollinated by another plant. Also if you ever self pollinate a plant you’ll have to recognize the 2 different parts. Is it just the calling them male/female that bothers you? Edit: I guess I should say plants/flowers can have a sex, fruits I don’t think would. They are just seed dispersers I believe.
Hmm I’m no plant expert, so maybe I’m wrong about this but I thought fruit always grows after pollen moves to an egg like part of the flower/plant, so the ‘sex’ of the fruit is always a combined pollen+egg like cell. This cell develops into a seed while the surrounding plant grows the fruit for various reasons. Maybe there is a heterozygous genetic trait in some plants where we could label the individual as sex A or B, but I thought self pollinating plants were basically both sexes at the same time??? Idk… Maybe I should do some googling but heck the fediverse needs content :P
The scientific definition of “fruit” is the ripened ovary of a flowering plant. This differs from the normal usage so some things not commonly considered fruit, such as tomatoes and the pods of soybeans, are fruits by this definition. Flowering plants (not all plants have flowers) have male and female anatomical structures. Many species have both structures in one flower. Some species have flowers that contains either male or female structures. These flowers can either be on the same plant (monoecious), like watermelon and corn, or on different plants (diecious), like papaya. The ovary, what will become the fruit, is a female anatomical structure, and it makes no sense to talk about a male fruit for any type of flower. Male flowers produce pollen, which fertilizes the embryo in an ovary, but male flowers themselves don’t produce fruit.
On oranges, damage to the fruit (insect bites, cuts, etc) often cause the fruit to be sweeter in the area of the damage. So ugly fruit is often tastier.
Americans especially are sold shiny pretty consistent fruit. Ripe fruit is browning, wrinkled, lots of flaws. After a while you’ll see some of those “flaws” as signs of tasty fruit.
Morgan Freeman taught me to flick melons to determine the ripeness in Unleashed, and I have honed the skill to a masterful level. Get weird looks from strangers sometimes tho…
Sounds like a great way to get sick or spread sickness.
Maybe if you’re Immuno-compromised, have bad hand hygiene practices, or go around people when you’re sick.
going around licking public display foods is bad hygiene practices tbh.
You should maybe go back and read the post again you’re complaining about…
ah shit, I didn’t see the f on my small laptop monitor with border buffers for anonymity when I made that comments- whoops >.>
That’s actually pretty funny.
Good thing no one is advocating that.
I will never remember this but I will think about it sometimes
I’m convinced I have undiagnosed adhd
Hey man, talk to your doctor and get that shit checked out. If you do have it, there are options for treatment which could vastly improve your quality of life
I started to get help. There’s a screening process and a questionnaire that I have to do but I know it will be worth the effort to get treatment. Imma do it!!
Anyone know where I can find those sweet and juicy webbed females?
Um… Florida?
Bradford Watermelons was always my favorite. We’d get all sorts from them, but the watermelons would make it to the tasting menu.
They also sold green runner peanuts before the pandemic.