Some routine maintenence and losing your balance while holding a hard drive and ripping the cord out breaking the retainer for the connectors… 4tb Samsung ssd RIP
Some routine maintenence and losing your balance while holding a hard drive and ripping the cord out breaking the retainer for the connectors… 4tb Samsung ssd RIP
Steady hand with a soldering iron and that could be salvaged, good luck!
Hey Alexa, how 2 soldier
First step, you need to enlist. A soldiering iron will be issued to you, there will be many like it, but that one will be yours…
I’m doing my part!
It’s really easy. I have be soldering to repair my own guitars since I was like 12. Watch an instructional video on the internet, practice with some spare wires and circuit boards. You can learn in an hour or two.
Problem for most people isn’t going to be the act of soldering. It’s going to be acquiring a soldering station and some solder to work with. If you intend to use it multiple times it’s not bad at all. For a one-and-done situation it’s best to just pay someone else to do it with their equipment or buy a new SSD entirely.