Cleaning out my mom’s house. I hate to trash things that may be useful to someone else and some of it’s probably worth some $$. I’ve used Facebook marketplace a couple of times. I’ve heard of OfferUp and LetGo but haven’t used them. Where will i get the best response and $? Should i just pile it all up and do an online estate sale instead? TIA. Also, if anyone has done this and has any general tips, please share.
By the way, offer up and letgo have combined now. If you want to ditch stuff quick, do a yard sale and offer dirt cheap prices. If you want to maximize profit, eBay (but that’s a loooot of work, my work does that and it’s half my workload).
If you want an in-between, you can go on fb marketplace and offer up. There are tons of annoying bots though.
Some towns have their own local community platform/forum for you to post through.
Ultimately though, a lot of stuff will probably be trashed. Even if something has a good shelf price, actually selling it is pretty hard. At work, something has to sell for greater than 20-40$ to break even on storing it, tracking it, packing it and shipping it.
You can also donate much of it to thrift stores.