“Matt” paste? Isn’t it “matte” or am I taking crazy pills again?
Edit: What the fuck… It’s spelled differently in the UK, the US, and Canada (where I’m from). It’s matte in Canada, mat in US, and matt in the UK.
From the Government of Canada website: https://www.noslangues-ourlanguages.gc.ca/en/writing-tips-plus/matte-mat-matt
My bet is on beeswax for the non-vegan ingredient.
You would be right. I have the same packs. I don’t know if I bought old stock, but I bought the pack with the blue lid recently, the black lid pack is older.
The black lid pack contains bee wax and more water than the blue lid pack (64% vs 57% of the natural ingredients).
It’s no longer labeled vegan. A lot of producers actively avoid the label, despite the fact that the Vegan Society would provide their stamp of approval. I’ve heard somewhere putting it on your product lowers sales. All this to say, are you certain it’s actually not vegan anymore?
The reason the vegan label lowers sales is that smart people already read the product label, so they know it’s vegan either way. Lazy people who don’t like thinking need to be told that something is vegan. Vegans tend to be smart, and vegan-haters tend to hate thinking.
Poor matt
Matt’s just fine, what do you think they made the paste out of? “Is that hair gel?”
I wouldn’t even be surprised if this is just a shift in marketing. The “Vegan” label, in particular, has fallen out of style as more and more men become obsessed with meat-based diets.