Just found this today and thought I’d share.
✅ Beautiful, minimal UI
✅ 8-day forecast
✅ Imperial units support
✅ Dark and light themes
✅ No ads or trackers
I really dig the style. However, I live in a town that has a fairly common name and the application defaults to another location.
Is there any way I could prompt the right location?
I think its just a current limitation of the app. Hopefully the feature gets added soon, there’s a few minor issues that would make the app really great. It works for my home city but can’t seem to find where I work, which is unfortunate.
I’d you’re in the US you can use zip code.
why would I want Imperial units?
Oh, in case you’re not aware, generally a feature list isn’t specifically catered to one specific person.
If you are in Finland, I’ve yet to find anything that beats the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s app.
Particularly useful, is the cloud radar view, which lets you see the movements of rainclouds in 15 minute increments.
By looking at how the clouds are moving, I can reliably tell how long a given rain shower will last, if and when there will be a gap in the downpour, how long it will last…
It’s kind of mind blowing how accurate it is.