I was planning on using either the one by kannagi0303 from github or stacher.
update: I have setup the one from github, seems to do the job. Still can’t figure out downloading subtitles using gui and using the yt-dlp terminal version for that. Link for what I am using: https://github.com/kannagi0303/yt-dlp-gui
Everyone in the comments: I use assembly for everything
None GUI. Just use a terminal!
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I just have mine set up as an alias in zsh (I assume this would work in bash too):
alias yt='yt-dlp -f "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4"'
Then just
yt [url of video]
from the command line should automatically grab the best quality video as an .mp4. And of course that can be tweaked to whatever you like (adding subs etc.)Don’t forget to block sponsors and get subtitles
alias ytdl=‘yt-dlp -f mp4 “bestvideo*+bestaudio” --sponsorblock-remove all --write-auto-sub’
On Android I just use Libretube. Has Sponsorblock and you can can grab a csv of all your subs you had from your previous client.
Lastly, I use newsboat and YouTube RSS feeds to subscribe these days. Redirection extension takes me to an invidious instance. Noscript blocks everything. Just need the url for yt-dlp.
Huh, I didn’t know it could do sponsorblock as well, neat!
The CLI is simple enough that I don’t really bug with any GUI abstractions. I used tubesync for a while on unRAID with pretty decent success, but I eventually ran into some limitations and ended switching to a cron job.
CMD or bash. But TIL that yt-dlp had GUI.
Bash lol
Linux user ?
Both. Powershell when I’m using Windows.
Windows user?
Yes, I don’t understand the language of you god’s. Should’ve picked linux years ago when I got my first PC.
You can download a VM program, like Virtualbox, and then create a VM and install Linux on it (I recommend Debian), that way you can learn little by little.
Bash is a shell, like command prompt/powershell on WIn
I like cobalt as web app.
Can you provide a link ?
Mostly on my phone via Seal these days…
I am using seal on my phone too but need something for pc.
I just have an alias stored in the bashrc file. One for audio and one for 1080p video.
I use a couple .bat files that I pre-wrote. Good enough for 95% of my needs.
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These heathens are in here typing out verbose commands and not setting up aliases.
with a few aliasesTry