The man has worked all his live to bring Buddhism closer to the West
The man is a CIA stooge who hasn’t done anything productive in his life. He’s the closest you could get to an exiled Marie Antoinette crying about the rights of French people being oppressed after they kicked her out. He wants to bring back feudalism and essentially slavery to Tibet because he would be part of the few nobles reaping all the benefits.
Dumbest take ever. The British and the Americans were right to send troops to France under Nazi rule because it was a mission to liberate French people. The USSR was right to send troops to Czechoslovakia to liberate people from Nazi rule. China was right to send troops to Tibet to free the people from their brutal feudalistic rule.
I fucking wish that my homeland (Spain) had been “invaded” by English and French troops to fight fascism in the 30s rather than ending up with a homegrown fascist dictatorship.