And yet never implemented! Good guy Sony getting a patent so nobody else will do this
And yet never implemented! Good guy Sony getting a patent so nobody else will do this
I once heard a professor of physics tell us that paradoxes were just questions posed incorrectly (paraphrasing since we weren’t speaking English, sorry if I wrote it in a confusing way) and I’ve never stopped thinking about it that way
The nazis modeled a lot of their Reich on the Roman state (the eagle iconography was used by both). The Roman salute was just something else they took from their idea of the Roman empire
So I’m with you, I have no idea how “it’s a roman salute” is supposed to make anything better
Always one of the first things I install with a new Arch Linux install! Not because it’s useful or anything, I’m not delusional, but because it’s hella cool
Fuck. Please don’t take down Sci hub… I know there are mirrors elsewhere, should I be worried?
I’m not even going to make the usual joke, by saying sarcastically that I don’t use it and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. It’s the biggest contributor to scientific progress in the last decade and I’m tired of pretending it’s not
The one in this picture matches my idea of what new beyblades looked like in 2005-ish, when I was getting over them because they looked so excessively bulky. I think the launcher also saw a revision?
The britisch Isles are part of Europe.
Not for the lack of trying!
Took a long rest
Discord is an alternative to IRC, the fact that people use it as a replacement for forums is baffling
Maybe a terrestrial globe? That would explain why some have a point labeled “Bangkok” (sic, presumably used an old or regional spelling)
Wait, really? Whenever I spend more time at work or at home I tend to forget how many really attractive people are really out there. Whenever I go out after a long period of time I end up being positively surprised. I would also not look at Tinder as an example, but because of the opposite: people on tinder look much uglier than in real life. But then again, usually outside you don’t look at people for more than one or two seconds, while on tinder there’s loads of photos for you to examine every single flaw
I’m glad I’m not searching for romantic advice in this thread because if I were I’d be so confused.
Should I search for a friendship instead of a relationship? Should I make a move? Should I make a move on my friends?!
I would assume that if they want to make the world a better place, they admit that their actions have long-reaching impact, which is not really a feature of nihilism, optimistic or not
But I’m not an expert, do what you want
This was so impactful that I only recently realized the title of the actual TV show wasn’t “Tool Time”. People talked about a mysterious show called “Home Improvement” and I didn’t even suspect it was the one I watched with my parents all those years ago
As an extra advantage to the nose pinching trick, I no longer turn every dream into a nightmare from seeing my distorted figure in the mirror!
I would give credit, but your username being CarbonatedPastaSauce gives different expectations to any recipe with your name attached
Same here. Last time this was shared I found a single recipe kind of interesting, but not enough for me to actually memorize what it was.
Thinking back, it was probably the Mac and Cheese one, and I had already wanted to try to make it anyway (it’s not a very common dish in my country, or at least my circle)
Clearly because it’s cheaper than having a lot of people violating the rule a little.
Think of all the savings!
Spacing constraints led to accidental French in “Reset_Contage