Definitely don’t use mobilism for a solid archive of epubs and audiobooks. It’d be awful if people had access to free and enriching entertainment
Ngl being reincarnated as a bug sounds pretty neat. But only if it were a cool bug, like a banana spider or a roly poly. I know neither of those are insects but the day I start taking entomology seriously is the day I die (to be reincarnated as a cool bug)
I use it when I’m trying to ease people into what anarchism actually means. Also gives me an excuse to shit on right “libertarians” lol
Libertarian as in anarchist or libertarian as in “the age of consent should be lower”?
This cross section depicts the spinal cord. The more internal spine is part of the vertebral body the middle yellow bit is the spinal cord, the outside spine is the spinous processes of the vertebrae. Besides the uterus, this is actually a very detailed and accurate depiction of human anatomy
I’ll do it for free. Just going it for the love of the game
Is there an alternative comprehensive guide you would recommend? I’ve been wanting to get into self hosting for ages and I’ve wanted something like this to help me through the process. A lot of the criticism in this thread means absolutely nothing to me because I have no idea what any of it means
Haha I hate my wife!
Even the medics save removing that shit for the hospital unless absolutely necessary. We even go so far as to add stuff to the puncture to make sure the offending object stays stable during transport. Source: am medic
We had an indoor/outdoor cat growing up that liked to hunt squirrels. He was so good at it that the squirrels had a special cry for him. Anyways, he liked to leave nothing but their heads (with spine and tail still attached) on our front door step. I miss the little serial killer
Motherfucker looks like bukowski
An e-reader and libgen have made me read more than the shelves full of books in my house ever have
If you’re a first responder or service member you get 50% off 2+ lines with T-Mobile. Even retired for service. I’m an EMT but they only check if your license is current. If this applies to you, you could just keep your license up to date even if you’re retired.
You can’t just say perchance
Idk. I’m an EMT with two semesters of community college under my belt lol. I was just googling and correlating things that I have no practical knowledge of
It’s called molecular gastronomy and it’s art, m’kay?
Part of the problem with using tobacco this way (basically diy dip) is that tobacco leaves themselves contain carcinogenic nitrates that will still have long term health impacts. If you’re going to consume nicotine, it’s best that your source is as close to chemically pure as you can get. Synthetic nicotine is by and large the safest option outside of simply not consuming nicotine in any form. It’s still incredibly addictive and cardiotoxic