That’s what my dog does.
He tears into the couch in one side of the house to get you annoyed, then runs to eat cat litter, then runs upstairs to take the kid’s toys.
Do enough chaos to get something and tire us out.
The comments here are smug as fuck.
That’s how Reddit was in the beginning.
Back then, you used to show someone “the front page of the internet” and it would literally be jailbait and tech news.
The defense of “it’s so easy just pick a server” is getting exhausting.
The average person wants something that works.
Some VR games, you have a sword. Some, you have a bow.
A bunch are very much like Wii-style bowling & sports simulations.
Some are adventure games. And some are puzzle games.
Around 2010, I worked for a company where one project was to increase the social profile of our company. We hired a marketing company to help us improve how our CTO, CEO, CFO, all the C-level folks looked to the public. Pretty much, throwing money to make these people get famous, so the company to could make money from all the news.
A year later, CFO was on talk shows discussing his new book, which was a NYT best seller. The book was garbage and full of content scraped from a dozen other “thought leaders”.
The thought leader circlejerk where hundreds of them have ghost writers write their shit, all of them tell the same 10 stories, all of them quote each other, all of them buy their way onto NYT best sellers list because some thought leader friend wanted to do the same so they inflate the sales. Then the Ted talks, the podcast tours, the constant INNOVATORS bs. Yuck.
But I want AI to convert my mp3s to Oggs and vice versa 😭😭😭
Not some stupid “conversion library” or whatever that is
I would have disagreed with you when Pis were like $50 and chaining 3 Pis together with a hard drive was a fun project to do self hosting.
Now to get to the beefiest raspberry pi, it’s $120. And in the range, yeah, for price and reliability, use a mini-pc/laptop.
Some people need to be separated. This isn’t about censorship, it’s about group dynamics.
Let’s take it from both angles - just to avoid politics. A disruptive kid in a classroom affects every other kid. Get rid of that kid, and suddenly the whole classroom improves. Everyone can agree to that.
The other side - a company has a pro-union worker. Shitty company doesn’t like not controlling their workers, so they find a way to fire them.
Back to the Nazi, separate them from the rest of society. We don’t need them.
Edwin Evans-Thirlwell 3223 Staff 23 hours ago
I have lost my job to wider cuts a few times myself and on reflection, I think I prefer being “aligned” or “realigned” inasmuch as it makes me feel like a cool laser satellite. But I am not immune to the frictive charms of being “restructured”, which makes me feel like a Transformer
I absolutely love the comments on RPS. It’s hits like these which makes me keep coming back.
In a room full of dickheads, it’s often the loudest dickhead that gets their way. Often it’s the CEO.
Pretty much. These commenters seem to believe engineers are given all the resources needed to deliver everything in time in perfect condition.
Absolutely! In my college, girls with messy buns and sweat pants WAS the fashion.
Maybe not that early, and also not everything.
When we met, I was obsessed with collecting dead bugs and in retrospect, I kinda sucked at it and it was gross. I didn’t tell her about it until a few years later and she laughed at it. But had I told her about it at the start, I dunno.
My wife also hid her Tarot cards collection. For good reason too… At the time, I was extremely bitter at the state of Collectable card games and was trashing everything. But a few years later when I wasn’t such an asshole about it, I accepted her hobby.
People who are so used to getting everyone to stop what they’re doing get upset when they aren’t the center of attention.
I just realized I have no idea who pays for Let’s Encrypt. I just run the server commands, automate it, and move on.
Me, as a American: Huh, we just set up camps in Guantanamo Bay to pick up immigrants? That’s fucked up.
Also Me, as a American: China does some shit with the uyghu? That’s fucked up.
Society: (ignoring Guantanamo bay) Yeah fuck China!
Also me, as a American: openAI stole art. Wow.
Also me, as a American: Deepsink stole from OpenAI? Hilarious.
Society: Hey fuck you for supporting China! You can’t even write Tiananmen square on there! Winnie the Pooh! Winnie the Poooooooh!
In my 20s, this girl I met was vomiting from both ends from a bad night of partying, and I was there taking care of her. She ugly-cried about how other guys left her in her mess.
We’ve been married for more than a decade.
After watching Trump boost his crypto scams, I absolutely believe that the X wallet or whatever has the means to successfully fleece morons.
Do they rip the worst farts or am I just telling on myself that pizza rolls give me room-clearing war crimes-level gas bombs?