This is literally Budenny.
This is literally Budenny.
Moved to a farm upstate.
Welcome to BRICS!
Consistency of an axiomatic system that contains arithmetic can be proven in this system if and only if it is inconsistent.
Americans are not flirting with Nazism. They dated it, married it and had many children with it.
Competition is won by those who extract profit now. Those who refrain from profiting even if they want to preserve the ability to profit in the future for whatever reason lose competition and are removed from making decisions. So only the most shortsighted capitalists remain.
Being able to extract profit is more important to individual capitalist than maintaining the system in the long run. See: climate change. for people deep into analytic number theory rabbit hole.
Democrats won’t abandon norms and traditions, because they play a good cop to Republicans’ bad cop. They are all in one big club and you aren’t in it.
Genets are bad example, because Viverridae are the closest relatives to Felidae. Convergent evolution would be better illustrated by fish and dolphins.
But if they offered higher salaries, how would shareholders afford to buy their third yacht?
Shrikes are cute.
We are heading into a great world, where the computers will be doing intellectual and creative stuff, while humans will be doing manual labour.
It is not even faster usually.
We’ll have a diagonal argument about it.
Russia is basically in an unending economic crisis since 1990.
That’s the same strategy EU practiced. Now they are getting boomeranged.
It is already called la Manche in French.