You also need the striketrough
Tweet source for anyone interested:
One must imagine drive-time DJs happy
I’ve got a question for you. What’s heavier, a kiogram of coins or a kilogram of bills? That’s right a kilogram of coins, because coins are heavier than bills
Me llamo T-Bone la araña discoteca
I think that he is referring to “liberal” more in the sense of being in the political spectrum of economic liberal. Usually I see the difference between the US and EU definition of the term liberal: in the US it is a synonym of the left wing party or leaning, in EU is used for being liberal economic leaning and is different from being left party or left wing
Well, allow me to retort
We happy?
“Alright, chop chop!”
For me on thunder the first link isn’t loading (Unable to load image from and also the raw link is not working in the newly added player, so its not a voyager only problem.
The bees are hilarious tho :)
Hopefully he didn’t die on a bridge
Calm down, Satan
My dudes
Times are tough and men are hard
Wait a minute that doesn’t work
That is a subtle reference to the engineers’ CEO who is kinda a dickhead
I was reading through Thunder’s issues and here one of the devs of lemmy says that youtube/peertube embed links are already supported in the backend with post.embed_video_url
I’m not sure how easy would be to implement that embed in the different apps/lemmyUI however!
I think that’s only partly true as companies, especially big ones, want the telemetry and control of a native app instead of just a web page