A shitpost is happening
A shitpost is happening
That’s OK 🙂 I know there are AI services out their that can transcribe YouTube videos into text. Maybe that could be a useful tool for everyday needs?
Given the importance of the content, I’d recommend watching the full video
This one made me chuckle. Great 💩
I would have used a Hitachi drill and added to the conversation “Wired or cordless?”
I feel like the squirt emoji would overlay and fit nicely into that sexy little gulf
How far back the government traces your citizenship will be dependent on how cooperative you are.
That dirty sanchez
Philosophy is goat
As a parent, I would prefer this to modern western environments for children that include TVs, video games, phones and no idea what I do for a profession.
I like how one person said they don’t use child labour because they are inefficient. If they were efficient though …
Yes but that haven’t received the intelligence power yet so they don’t know that
it’s getting hot in here
Why not remove Muslim men’s eyes so they can’t see women?
All this needs to be a shit post is an AI watermark
Another reason why companies like Amazon treats it’s workforce like garbage. They are seen as replaceable in the near future.
The attitude you describe is, I believe, the result of capitalist and religious propaganda that reinforces individualism rather than collectivist and non-religious yet spiritual philosophies. Those like Hinduism, Confucianism, Zen and Toaism.
Not to sell any one in particular but the common thread in the East is a different perspective than a boss in the sky eternally judging each individual.
Even if you aren’t religious, advertising will tell you you’re a special, unique and seperate individual. Desiring to stand out as famous, beautiful, smart, funny, strong etc is just a trap but one desired by many. Unfortunately, to be above others, then others must be below you. To be rich, there must be poor.
An understanding of this force of balance shows that to minimise the extremes of poverty you must minimise the extremes of wealth.
The East sees our true self is the larger whole of which we as Humanity are a small part of. While your name may seperate you conceptually, none of us are separate from the air we breath or the stars we see. Nothing is seperate even though the mind feels and believes it is so. Are you really in control? Do you beat your heart? When you make a decision, do you first decide to decide?
I only say all this because, when one genuinely switches thinking this way, then naturally you want to be generous and caring towards all others because you see everything as yourself includeing all that is non human.
These philosophies are not the complete answer to our problems because many of these philosophies were born in China and, even though it’s embedded in their culture, they are still struggling like everyone else. But a more modern widespread common understanding of the true nature of the situation may be beneficial.
The real shit post here
Take yourself back to the smell of burnt onions and then taste it.
I believe this is what was added