Born with a lead spoon in my mouth.
No place is safe from these billionaires and trans-national corporations. No nation can stop their collective power, it has to be all of us this time. Remember North Korea - it doesn’t have to ever get better once it gets bad and this is probably our last chance.
Exactly, it’s the tried and true method of appeasement that has made Chamberlain synonymous with effective diplomacy. Nothing can go wrong.
Fuck Lost. “It’s better to never reveal the mystery!” That was the guiding principle, to just cake on mystery and keep audiences following like a laser pointer and a cat. I’m an advocate for free speech, but if someone made a law outlawing that kind of storytelling, it might cause my resolve to waver. At least Stephen King will write an ending, even if it’s the third deus ex machina in a row, you’ll get an ending!
I’ll be honest, outside of tabs, I can’t think of much that has improved with browsers in the past few years.
Been using Libre Wolf, no issues so far. Fuck Firefox
That’s funny, I’m an American who literally argued with a German why Schwarze Pete (Black Pete) being a thing in the Netherlands, a country that heavily dealt in the slave trade, serving as a servant for Santa, and encouraging a form a black face… maybe a little racist?
Germans really like to analyze American politics, but mention nuclear power or Palestine and you see there’s a lot more in common than different.
Libre Wolf isn’t bad.
Fine, male mail order bride it is. No kiss on mouth!
I wouldn’t say evil exist no matter what, rather, as I’ve heard elsewhere:
If you had only seen bears at circuses, one might assume that the natural state for bears is juggling while balancing on a ball.
Human nature is a thing we exchanged for larger and larger communities, what it was before and how it’s changed is a largely an unknowable, unwritten thing.
But generally I agree with your sentiment and it’s why I advocate for anarchy and moving to a mutualistic society that shares the wealth of the world rather than letting a few horde it all and begrudgingly toss out scraps.
I’m starting the Fascist Defamation League and my group says you can say whatever the fuck you want to say about genociding maniacs.
I hate what my countries doing, but I also like seeing these other countries come together to give America a big ol’ middle finger. It may force Europe to unite as a major global power (great video discussing some current economic realities) and maybe loosen the power of the IMF and stop all the terrible austerity measure. I hate that term, as if the people who demand austerity even know what that means.
Why would Ukraine be negotiating with another adversary? That’s like a boxer going to the wrong corner after the round, that guy also wants you to get your ass kicked.
I’d say there is one thing at least (/s is noted btw):
Being a victim does not make you an advocate. You would think it does, it happens all the movies and TV shows, but it just doesn’t, not by default.
I’ve heard people say it could never be that bad, because they wouldn’t do what was done onto them.
I hope everyone learns it this time: identity does not define your morality. Trauma is not some magical sauce to a good moral compass, that’s just trying to draw a silver lining on a mass grave.
Cool, where can I flee to?
How are you going to build a fascist database of enemies if the protestors cover their face?
It’s just a mask at this point. As soon as all the public services are privatized, along with military, and elections can be bought, what is a government at that point? Where is the distinction if they’re all paid off by the same people? At this point it’s become a sport for the ultra-wealthy to just buy countries like a sports team. Trump is even wheeling and dealing to buy other countries, this is how shallow the meaning of nation has become. America: sponsored by Musk and Thiel.
Americans absolutely did not vote for this! You call an election where one man can pay out a quarter billion - legally - a fair election? Do you think 90% of Russians vote for Putin too? We’re cooked and getting more cooked. Point and laugh and act like this isn’t bad news for the world.
We keep limiting ourselves to just citizens in nations, we’re going to keep repeating the same patterns nations repeat. Genocide still happens, war still happens, and the collective problem of climate change looms large. No one nation, not even America, is a match for the power these corporations have. We have no newspapers, free press is close to dead, and we’re uneducated. Anyone pinning their hopes on America figuring anything out doesn’t know how misinformed we are. If we can’t come together now, when we’re finally all connected, with the ability to instantly translate each other’s words, is it crazy to think we can do a little better?