Ok, Mr. Moneybags who’s never had an overdraft fee
(JK, I don’t know you or your life, in case the reading comprehensionless mob comes for me)
Can confirm, god is just dog backwards.
Bosses self reporting as dumbasses, as usual
I was under the impression it was primarily " if it isn’t broken, then don’t fix it" levels of tradition.
I could be wrong though, so if someone with more creds than a random internet dweller comes along, feel free to ignore me.
Heck, if you think I’m an idiot, feel free to ignore me :)
“If you spiral into the grave, your cost of living goes down by 100%!” - some jackass at the wsj soon, probably
We had some demanding clients lol
I remember having to use pie.htc to hack rounded corners for buttons into ie6. I remember liking ie7 a little bit better, but ie8 felt like a god send compared to 6 lmao
I recall having to support multiple versions of ie as well at the same time as well. I can’t remember what year we dropped support for ie6 but it wasn’t too long after I started.
I danced every time we got to drop another ie support version all the way up to 11
I do web dev and I can say I was super guilty of this back in the 2010s. I bit the hype hard, and now we’re getting right back to the circumstances that made ie such a POS to work with. (In my defense, I got my dev job in 2013 and had to develop for ie6. It’s not a good defense, but I think that really lead to my overhype for google. I had no knowledge of chrome’s bloated whale carcass days, so it always felt like the browser that “just worked ™”)
Market monopoly inspires evil in the good intentioned. Market monopoly also inspires nefariousness in the evil.
I’d say this is the sort of thing that inspired Google to remove the “don’t be evil” from their guidelines.
Probably when “I use ie to download chrome” became a mainstream meme.
Unfortunately this is a money-ocracy (data-exploitation-ocracy), not a democracy.
User generated content eating itself.
Not an ouroboros, no, much more like, a human centipede