Reporting in from US. The only results supporting this article are from the article itself. Garbage outlet. You should really just delete this post. It’s literally the driving force behind what you are complaining about.
Reporting in from US. The only results supporting this article are from the article itself. Garbage outlet. You should really just delete this post. It’s literally the driving force behind what you are complaining about.
It’s simply a comment on how piracy =/= lost sales. Don’t look too far into it.
They just cut their commercial division, right? Why on earth would you consider jumping into bed with a company that basically just made public that they won’t support you soon?
Tbf, most of the reasoning behind the “help” you got for smoking was because it actively endangers those around you. Alcoholism, by an extremely large margin, affects those around you much less.
There are definitely pill mills in the poorer parts of town. And usually poor populations receive Medicaid, which will typically pay for the stuff. Just anecdotal evidence as a pharm tech in a rough part of town during college, but after a while we had to actually stop taking scripts for most pain meds (still got a ton of people using trazadone and stuff, though) because the pharmacist just didn’t think it was worth his license if the scripts were tied back to a pill mill.
Good call. I didn’t even think to specify household vs personal. My mistake. I’ll edit to fix.
What are the good resources? Because I just searched “Canada wildfire info” and got the Canadian Wild land Fire Information System" seems like a good place to start? Stop using Facebook for this shit (or anything else)
Median income is $23k in Thailand. $31k in US. It definitely doesn’t make up the difference.
Edit: Used Personal income for US and Household for Thailand. It actually doesn’t bring the gap significantly closer.
But that’s not what this is. This is just an ad. Not a “since you like X, try Y”
And 90% of posts on lemmy seem to be about reddit…