Information not being private isn’t the same thing as information being public.
I’m not sure that is a realistic expectation these days.
It’s been essentially tried since near the beginning with AOL. Their dialup service required you to have their branded browser (customized Internet Explorer) open to stay connected. On that browser you could only connect to sites in their walled garden whitelist.
Luckily, you could just minimize their browser and open regular IE or Netscape to bypass it.
The condensed games cut out most of the between play time. The only presnap you get is any motions by the offense. Also they generally limit replays to contested plays. Either way, it is 90% actual action as far as I can tell and it takes about 45 minutes to watch it.
NFL has a streaming service that condenses games for rewatch. It’s literally just the relevant action. It’s a lot longer than 11 minutes. It is significantly less time than the full broadcast, though.
The original idea behind the superiority of vinyl was that the ambient audio was being recorded directly to the media. Of course, this wasn’t even true when it was first made, as they were using magnetic tape by then to record in analog. However, there is still some merit to the idea that an infinitesimal amount of quality is lost when translating sound waves to digital data.
Most of the actual differences between cd and vinyl, though, can be chalked up to the loudness wars ruining the mixes on cd.
There’s more than one reason someone might not be convicted of homicide and it’s not always because a homicide didn’t happen.
Edge is a fork. It’s not a full copy of chrome. For instance, they let you put the tabs on the sidebar.
Dating apps want you to fail to find someone to keep you using the app. Tree’s got your back, though.
It was much better integrated into the story. The problem isn’t the message, it’s the writing.
Not all of them are without interest. In fact, the ones you’ll find the most are quite usurious.
They probably wanted to sell it as AI training data.
Probably don’t do that second one. That is technically fraud. What you could do is, if you’re bank or CC company have the service, use a virtual card number to sign up for the service and delete it when you want to leave.
Communism is just a different sort of fucked up. It’s just as bad for people in its own way.
Is it? It’s hard to tell anymore.
That depends on how the game does reflections. In some games they have a mirrored room with an identical but different light for the reflection.
I too prefer that. However, I also know there is a large subset of computer users that just want their magic box to work and I don’t think it would be a bad thing if there was a Linux distro they could use.
There’s a reason windows flatly refuses to do some things no matter how much you may want to. It’s people that would do exactly that without any thought or hesitation.
This is a bit different from before. They aren’t privating the subs this time, they’re just doing their unpaid full time job by disallowing posts with untrusted sources.
You’re assuming they didn’t help bring this about in the first place.