I had no idea Hexbear decided to start federating until I saw the shitshow that is that thread. So glad I never have to see their BS lol
I had no idea Hexbear decided to start federating until I saw the shitshow that is that thread. So glad I never have to see their BS lol
I’d love to, but I can’t afford it. D: Pain
We don’t need bots. It’s concerning some people think any community /needs/ bots. That type of infinite growth mentality is wack and I don’t subscribe to it. Like you, I block almost every bot I come across and my experience only continues to improve.
I’ve been jumping between Genshin Impact (Fontaine recently released), Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, and Baldur’s Gate 3. I haven’t made much progress in Genshin or BG3 because I’m having so much fun in Bomb Rush Cyberfunk lol