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Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • Gonna be honest, i haven’t agreed with that in 20 years, on account that the US can and will fuck over any ally it has if that has the slightest marginal gain for them. Any time the wind blows a different way, the US will throw all their allies under the bus. They are a greedy nation and poor allies.

    They’ve spied on the EU, they applied tariffs on the EU, they have threatened the EU with invasion after we helped them in their fruitless war in the middle east and had to deal with the migrant crises that resulted from it basically alone ? Now we have to deal with meddling in democratic elections? Never again, i say. We go at it alone, we trade, but that’s it.

  • My theory is the following, i think what saved the US from being stuck on cold war propaganda was the internet. For a long time the US was truly great. It was a steadfast ally, a reliable trade partner and it helped rebuild the EU post WW2. It had railroads everywhere, cable cars everywhere, struggled and won against prohibition and oligarchs, treading ground on worker’s rights and rights of minorities.

    Then the cold war came and things went seriously downhill. Because of the cold war a lot of things were done in secret and a lot was invested in propaganda. Corporations were allowed to do many things in secret. People in the US were told they were the best at everything and everyone else sucked. They never heard what the world really did think of them, only here and there by immigrants, who were seen as an inferior class anyway.

    Then the internet came and finally the US heard what the world thinks of them and boy, it wasn’t pretty. Took a while too, many places didn’t have the infrastructure ready. The world wasn’t happy, the US had been doing very bad things in secret and so, US people finally saw what their country leaders had been doing.

    The US isn’t a hopeless case but the US is at war with itself. A war that started in the 1800s and still rages on against an oligarch class that managed to inflitrate itself within the higher echelons of the government. Who took their railways away and their cable cars. Who took their days off and their workers rights and in some cases, even took away their right to strike (like the railroad workers).

    They can’t vote their way out of this, both parties are deeply corrupt. The ones that could stop it, the regulatory agencies, are currently being gutted out. Now is a critical time for the US to change and make regulatory organs apolitical and independent from the executive branch. What is done now will define if the US will become an oligarchic dystopia or will return to its roots. I believe the destruction caused by Trump will invariably lead to the demise of the oligarchy, for oligarchy persists in denial and secret and what Trump is doing is reckless and obvious. But a time of shame has come to the US for what has been done.

    Once people in the US realize that the bipartisan struggle is an artificial struggle and that no president is coming to save them, republican or democrat, hopefully protests will spring up everywhere and when they start, real meaninful change can appear. Every American knows the establishment is everywhere. Every American knows they’re in a class war.

    Every American wants to fight it, but the Republicans say Democrats are the establishment and the Democrats say Republicans are the establishment. To overcome this both Republicans and Democrats must recognize they are fighting the same enemy and it’s not each other. The republican party and the democrat party are both artificial constructs of many political views that don’t translate to anything in the real world of politics. They’re amalgamations of parties that have differing political views who might win elections but won’t effect meaningful change on account of that. It serves the interest of the oligarchs that no matter which party wins, they win.

  • The guy is a jackass and a narcissist of the highest order, but apparently, the couple didn’t do the donation through the proper available legal channels, which legally doesn’t clarify him as a donor. The article says

    Both women supported naming Albon. The non-biological mother said the world needed to know the risks associated with unregulated sperm donation, calling the two-year court battle a “nightmare” and a “horror story”.

    The world knows. It’s why most people don’t have unregulated donor children, because this can happen. It’s why you pay the legal fees for private donors or the premium price of fertility clinic spunk. I don’t wanna victim blame here or anything, but getting a random to donate sperm off the internet carries this exact risk and it was a very obvious oversight. What they saved in upfront money came back to haunt them and even broke down their relationship. It’s a very sad story all around.

  • “He [Trump] thinks about investments and money before thinking about a person’s right to a decent life, before he thinks about the tortured, orphaned, and wounded children of Gaza.”

    Classic American way of thinking. They even do this to themselves, making a social system that puts money above happiness for everyone involved, for when people are unhappy, they consume things, services and medicines they don’t need compulsively. We see this in rats in the famous rat park experiment. Happy rats are moderate consumers. Miserable rats are desperate consumers of anything.

    Even billionaires live unhappy miserable lives, doing drugs and constantly competing over the new thing even at the cost of their own peace of mind over clout and mindless pursuit of a bigger number that largely lacks any meaning to them anymore. They hop on the grindset and they become the grindset, unable to be anything else anymore. The free market needs guard rails or it consumes the consumer base on which it depends to live. Gaza being sold for profit represents the loss of guard rails at a state level.