Just signed up for this, thank you. It’s fantastic!
Now I can check my mail from the comfort of my bed. USPS email comes daily at 0400.
Just signed up for this, thank you. It’s fantastic!
Now I can check my mail from the comfort of my bed. USPS email comes daily at 0400.
That’s a good tip, thank you!
I am almost to the point where I don’t mind normal junk mail. That’s easy to quickly scan, identify as junk, and toss.
What really grinds my gears are when my companies contact me and write something like “Important” on it. This happened recently with my credit card company. I thought maybe I had gone overdue, or had overpaid and this was letting me know my bill the following month would be less (it has happened before).
No - it was letting me know I had good credit and could get a good % on a loan through them if I wanted. Now, that made me mad. Junk mail, from my very own credit card company. B.S.
I’m in the military lol. The government definitely knows I’m alive by 0600 sharp every morning.
I’m the same way with my mail.
I’m a millennial - I don’t check my mailbox for 6+ weeks at a time.
If I order something, then I know about it and expect it at my door (because it’s fedex, amazon, or ups).
Otherwise, it will have to wait until I happen to remember I have a mailbox.
For example, with bills - I expect you to have my email address and use it, because I supplied it whenever I established xyz account.
That’s a very even way of looking at it. I can’t tell you how much that perspective means to me, and how much that makes sense.
I think that’s the lens I’ll try to embrace when I look at our relationship moving forward.
I appreciate that everyone doesn’t have perfect relationships with their siblings.
Growing up, my parents made me feel horrible for having a bad one with my sibling. As though there was something wrong with me.
To this day, I carry a lot of shame around it, as in, how can I expect to have healthy relationships with friends and professional relationships at work if I couldn’t even manage one with my sister?
So, thank you all for making me feel less like an anomaly.
The profile picture is super memorable to me, for some reason.
“This is what your voice is saying… but what is your face saying right now?!”